[留学生の藝大体験記2]Thomas Cressy(音楽研究科・音楽学専攻)[My Experience at GEIDAI 2]Thomas Cressy(Graduate school of music)

July 21, 2015


Name, Department, Home country and city, Duration

My name is Thomas Cressy and I study in the Musicology Department at Geidai. I am from Helensburgh, which is a small town in Scotland. I have been a Geidai student since September 2013 and started the Masters course in April 2015.


Why did you choose Geidai as your study abroad destination?

I chose to study at Geidai because the University has a long history that relates heavily to my research topic. Also I was highly recommended to study with Professor Osumi and was often told that Geidai is the best University for the study of Musicology in all of Japan. It also is in the centre of Tokyo in Ueno Park, which seemed a great place to study in.


What did you do to prepare yourself for studying abroad in Japan?

Firstly, I made contact with academics in Japan regarding my research topic and then secured funding from the Japanese Government MEXT program. Once I was accepted into this program and to Geidai, I prepared by studying the Japanese language and also by reading information about Japan in general and life in Japan as a foreign student.


What do you study at Geidai?

I am pursuing the research theme of “The Japanese Reception of Bach’s Music” and am currently going through archive materials and other sources from the “Tokyo Music School” (which merged with the Tokyo Fine Arts School to form Geidai in 1949).
However I have taken part in several other classes and activities, for example learning the sitar or the shamisen – as well as taking classes in Japanese language. Now, as a graduate student I also attend various research seminars and receive individual support and advice for my research and masters dissertation.



What do you like about Geidai?

Geidai is in Ueno Park, which is very easy to access by train and is full of museums, history and scenery. The University holds countless exhibitions and concerts, so there is always something interesting happening.
As for my subject, Musicology in the UK is usually studied at a research driven university but Geidai is much more like a Music Conservatoire. You will study alongside extremely talented performers and composers of so many different types of music, including traditional Japanese music.
With the two main departments being music and arts, there are countless opportunities to collaborate with arts students in painting, film studies, aesthetics, acoustics, design and so on. It is a very creative environment, but still has the facilities and teaching for top level academic research.


What are the things that impressed you or surprised you in Japan?

I am impressed by the cleanliness of Japan in general, despite being almost no bins. I was also humbled and surprised by kindness of the Japanese people. Several Japanese people have helped me so much in many ways, from directions of where to go, to finding a place to live, helping with Japanese language, introducing me to someone that can help with my studies or research, guiding me on travel trips, taking me to festivals, giving me concert tickets, introducing me to Japanese food and drink and so on. I feel very welcome here and have always been treated very kindly by the Japanese people.



What are your future goals?

My future goals are to continue my research on Japan and to use what I have learned and discovered to further contribute to Musicology back in the UK. After I finish my doctoral studies I hope to have an academic career focusing on music and Japanese society, but also perhaps East Asia in general.


Please write a message for students wishing to study in Japan.

I would say that my decision to study in Japan was probably the best decision I have made. It has opened my eyes to many things and now I can view my own country from a different perspective. The general level of English is very low here so I would suggest studying as much Japanese as you can before coming here.
However, I think the most important thing here in Japan is networking. I would recommend really making an effort to talk to many different Japanese people and taking part in as many things as you can. I could not have passed the graduate entrance exams (all in Japanese), nor got this far with my research or language, nor had so many great experiences and travels without the support and help of so many Japanese people.
