東京藝術大学国際交流会館に入居する留学生と地域の方々との交流会2015The 2015 Social Event with Local Residents at the International House

November 30, 2015







また、留学生による演奏も行われ、中国出身で音楽音響創造専攻の大学院生は 「賽馬」(競馬)という曲目を二胡で奏で、勇ましく駆け抜ける馬の様子を表現しました。ピアノの伴奏も同じく中国からの留学生が担当しました。


次に、台湾からの留学生でピアノ専攻の大学院生が、本学の留学生担当職員との連弾で「情熱大陸」を演奏し、続いて、国際交流会館のチューターを務める声楽専攻の日本人学生が「小さな空(Small sky)」を日本語と英語で、「暗く不幸な夜のあとには(Dopo notte)」をイタリア語で独唱し、その透き通った美しい歌声で会場を魅了しました。さらに、東京藝術大学の音楽学部教授である渡邊健二理事がフランツ・リストの曲をピアノで演奏されました。



On Wednesday, November 18, 2015,a social event was held for the international students at the International House of Tokyo University of the Arts to mingle with local residents.

In addition to the guests from Matsudo City where the International House is located, the supporters from Shiroi City and Toride City, Ibaraki Prefecture, as well as those from Chiba University were also welcomed. The participants also included staff members of the university and many international students who used to live in the dormitory.

The head of the International House, Professor Arisumi Mitamura of Faculty of Fine Arts gave an opening address, during which he encouraged the international students. Then, an international student who studies at Graduate School of Music delivered a speech in fluent Japanese, on behalf of all the residents, to appreciate the daily support offered by the local community.


The participants enjoyed conversations over homemade dishes contributed by some international students and Japanese “oden” cooked by the on-site manager, while watching a Japanese traditional dance performance by the dance company of the Shinmatsudo Community Gobangai neighborhood association.


A graduate student from China who studies creative music and sound played on the erhu “Horse Racing”, a music describing dashing horses, accompanied by another Chinese student on the piano.


Following a fourhanded piano performance “Jyonetsu Tairiku” by a graduate piano student from Taiwan and a staff member in charge of international students, a Japanese vocal music student who is serving as a tutor for the international students enchanted the audience with her transparent, beautiful voice, by singing solos of “Small Sky” in English and Japanese and “Dopo Notte” in Italian. In addition, Professor Kenji Watanabe of the Faculty of Music fascinated the audience with his piano performance of a piece by Franz Liszt.


The event was successfully concluded with a Japanese folk song called “Furusato” in wishing that the friendship between international students and the local community would further be developed.