[留学生の藝大体験記15] Anna Stefaniak(美術研究科・ガラス造形専攻)[My Experience at GEIDAI 15] Anna Stefaniak (Graduate school of fine arts)

September 30, 2016


Name, Department, Home country and city, Duration

I’m Anna Stefaniak, from Wroclaw, Poland. I’ve graduated from Eugeniusz Geppert’s academy of Fine Arts, as Master of Arts- Glass Design. At Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku, I’ve studied one year as research student. Then I got accepted on PhD course, also at glass department.


Why did you choose Geidai as your study abroad destination?

I was interested in Japanese culture and art, so I came here four years as an exchange student, to study for 6 months. I discovered how shallow my knowledge on this county was, how many things I can learn here. Despite using the same techniques, European and Japanese approach to art in general, means of creation, chosen topics or philosophy accompanying objects or installations are completely different. I also wanted to study under guidance of sensei I’ve meet this time, as he supported me with my projects, encouraged to experiment and helped me get to know many acpects of Japanese art. So I applied for MEXT program, to become Geidai student once again.


What did you do to prepare yourself for studying abroad in Japan?

First of all, I’ve been reading plenty of books on Japan- about country, art, literature,history etc., to have at least general image of place where I’ll spend few years of my life. I talked with other exchange students (not only from Geidai) about possible obstacles and problems both at university, and in daily life. I did also some research on topics I was considering studying, to have base for my future research.


What do you study at Geidai?

My main topic is “Pursuit of silence and minimalism”. I’m researching: what kind of impact on our lives have noise and silence; how to show silence visually; how silence is connected with minimalism, especially on philosophical level; if it is possible to inspire people to enjoy silence, moment of pause in their busy lives. I work in different glass techniques: from installations made out of glass fiber, through simple glass casting, to traditional glass enamel and kintsugi.

私の主な研究テーマは“Pursuit of silence and minimalism”(静寂とミニマリズムの追求)です。ノイズと静寂が私たちの生活に与える影響、静寂を視覚的に表現する方法、特に哲学的なレベルにおける静寂とミニマリズムの関係などを研究しています。人々が忙しい生活の中で静寂や休息のひとときを楽しめる可能性について考察しています。グラスファイバーから作ったインスタレーションや、シンプルな鋳造技法、伝統的な七宝や金継ぎまで、様々なガラス技法を用いて制作しています。

What do you like about Geidai?

I’m really found of variety of courses one can attend; being a student of one specialization is not an obstacle to learn many different techniques at other studios.

I’m really thankful for that, as I do wanted to at least try as many traditional Japanese crafts, as possible. Chance to learn craft and traditional techniques is another plus. In my country there are only few places, and at none of them one can obtain academic degree. Another positive aspect of Geidai is, both teaching and adiministartion staff is really friendly and helpful. It’s a blessing for students who struggle with language or are just a bit lost in new reality of completely different country.



What are the things that impressed you or surprised you in Japan?

I think most surprising was discovery, that despite of strong stereotype, Japanese people do can show their emotions. As I mentioned before, I red different books or essays on Japan, so I was not experiencing a huge culture shock. Of course, there is a difference between reading about something and seeing it with your own eyes or feeling by yourself, so I try to visit as many places as possible, talk to different people,learn about new things…


What are your future goals?

After graduation, I’d love to stay in Japan longer and travel. There are still so many things I haven’t mastered yet, so it would be great to find some kind of internship or additional training at art studio. My ultimate goal is to have my own small glass studio, where I will be able to continue making my artwork, and maybe conduct some workshops for craft-lovers.



Please write a message for students wishing to study in Japan.

Learn as much, as you can. Try new techniques, new ideas. Talk to your classmates and don’t worry if your language skill is not perfect. But first of all, don’t get discouraged if you won’t manage to get scholarship or fail entrance exam. Try again,it’s worth it.

