Global Home Coming ゲストの藝大体験記3 権柱翰[My Experience at GEIDAI; Global Home Coming Guest 3] Juhan KWON

March 31, 2017

Basic information Name, Department, Home country and city, Duration
基本情報 ①氏名、②現在の大学、③出身国・都市、④在籍期間・芸大留学時の所属

① Juhan KWON 権柱翰
② Daegu University 大邸大学校
③ Korea 大韓民国
④ 1992 – 1997・美術研究科鋳金 Metal Casting

Why did you choose Geidai as your study abroad destination on that time?

When I was an undergraduate student in South Korea, I was studying metal hammering. Later, I wished to learn metal casting at the post graduate level. However, at that time, there was no school in South Korea that offered a metal casting program. After an extensive research, I got introduced to TUA by a professor of my university and came to study in Japan.

What did you learn at Geidai??

The focus of my study at TUA was metal casting. In the first year, I clearly remember I was surprised not only at matters related to my studies in general and special field, but also the culture and student life in Japan. I spent so many years at TUA, till the completion of my doctoral program.

What are the things that impressed you or surprised you at Geidai ?

TUA had a solid curriculum with the focus on practical training. I was particularly impressed by an intensive program that invited living national treasures and guest instructors. It was a seven to ten day program, allowing the students to learn intensively from various instructors and get intellectually stimulated. Meeting with many professors itself was a great experience.

How is your experience at Geidai refelected on your current job?

After returning to my home country, I became an academic staff at the university I am currently working. At that time, it didn’t have as good facilities and equipment as what TUA had, and we were working under a condition almost similar to an open-air workshop. Later, as we continued, the university became what it is today, having the present foundry workshop. In the process of establishing the current university environment, which I was involved as a faculty member, I have been sharply conscious of TUA.

Please write a message for students.

Students should actively work with overseas students. I also want them to come forward and grab such chances themselves. There are many international exhibitions open to student exhibitors in other countries, for instance. I recommend that students go beyond their campuses and seek more international exchange opportunities.