版画専攻生によるSouthern Graphic International Conference 2016への参加TUA’s printmaking students participated in the Southern Graphic International Conference 2016

May 15, 2017




2016年3月30日から4月2日にかけてオレゴン州ポートランドで開催されたConference of Southern Graphic Internationalに参加しました。

Southern Graphic International は版画に携わる人々のための北米最大の組織です。版画制作に焦点を合わせた年次大会は、版画の国際的発展の現状を知り、専門家の国際ネットワークを形成するための絶好の機会を参加者に提供しています。また、技法実演の見学や、新しい素材やプロセスを学ぶ機会も設けられ、版画制作の技術やコンセプトにおける進化の最先端を確認することが可能です。




Basic Information

Participants:Six students in printmaking
Location:Portland, USA
Period:April 1-4, 2016


Six students from the department of printmaking traveled to the United States to attend the 2016 Conference of Southern Graphic International that was held between March 30 and April 2, 2016, in Portland, Oregon.

Southern Graphic International is the largest print organization in North America and its annual conference focusing on the field of printmaking is an exceptional opportunity where participants can learn about the current international developments in the field and to build an international network of the experts. It also offers the opportunity to see technical demonstrations and learn about new materials and processes, allowing participants to catch up with new technical and conceptual developments in printmaking.

The participating students were split in groups to gather as much information as possible from the conference programs that were often running in parallel. They attended a number of workshops and some sessions including the incubation session that was chaired by TUA’s Associate Professor Michael Schneider, while visiting various art studios and exhibitions.

At the open portfolio session, the students were able to show their works to a group of unique and informed colleagues from all over the world. They all received feedbacks and some of them were even able to sell their works.

The participation in this conference allowed the students to gain a better understanding of the position of their own works within the international discourse and to connect to the broader international community, which will help them in the future to better recognize where their strength and weakness lie.