シュッダブラタ・セングプタ (ラックス・メディア・コレクティブ) による特別講義とワークショップSpecial Lectures and Workshop by Shuddhabrata Sengupta (Raqs Media Collective)

October 02, 2017

2017年5月29日から6月5日にかけて、インド・ニューデリーを拠点に国際的に活躍するラックス・メディア・コレクティブ(Raqs Media Collective)のメンバー、シュッダブラタ・セングプタ氏が、東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻を訪れ、公開講義やワークショップを行いました。

セングプタ氏による3日間の集中ワークショップ「深海を潜るように考える:困難な時代のためのアートプラクティス」では、「あまりよく聞かれない問いを1つ考える」という課題が、参加した学生たちに与えられました。初日は、学生が考えたそれぞれの問いを発表し、その問いについて、幅広く議論が行われました。2日目は、学生達がそれぞれの問いを象徴するイメージ、音、テキスト、オブジェなどを持ち寄り、セングプタ氏はそれらに関連する作品や思想を紹介し、新たな問いをぶつけました。ワークショップ最終日は、セングプタ氏が所属するRaqs Media Collectiveが扱うテーマ(時間、言葉、認識)について解説し、3人からなるコレクティブの方法論を紹介しました。


Read in English

Shuddhabrata Sengupta, an artist, curator and writer based in New Delhi, India, and one of the co-founders of the Raqs Media Collective visited Tokyo University of the Arts to deliver his open lectures and workshop at the Global Art Practice course from May 29 – June 5.

In his three-day intensive workshop, participating students were invited to find a question which was rarely being asked and think it through. On the first day, students made presentations on their individual questions, which were later broadly discussed by all the participants. On the following day, they were asked to bring some materials such as visual images, sounds, texts, and objects that they thought to represent their questions. Mr Sengupta introduced thoughts and art works that were associated with the materials and also asked another question to the students. On the last day of the workshop, he talked about the methodologies of the Raqs Media Collective which he belonged to with a detailed explanation of the concepts underpinning their works such as time, words, and recognition.

The lectures and workshop offered by Mr Sengupta, who has actively participated in a number of international exhibitions as a collective member, became a great opportunity for the students to be exposed to the ideas and methodologies of the global art practitioner.

Read in Japanese