スーパーグローバルハイスクール(SGH):藝高2年生による英国演奏研修旅行Super Global High School: Performance tour to the U.K. by the second graders

November 01, 2017





研修者:東京藝術大学音楽学部附属音楽高等学校 第2学年41名


ロイヤルアカデミー(Royal Academy of Music)でのマスタークラス受講、藝高単独演奏会


28日(木)は、歴史あるDuke’s Hallにおいて、生徒全員出演による約2時間の藝高単独演奏会を行いました。この演奏会は、各作品の演奏の前に演奏者が英語でスピーチをするという形式で行いました。邦楽専攻生は日本の伝統楽器の説明も実際に楽器を弾きながら英語で行いました。この演奏会に向けて、英語のスピーチ原稿の作成と当日プログラムといった準備が全て生徒たちの力によって進められ、演奏とスピーチの熱い練習を積み重ねてきました。試行錯誤の末、数々の困難を乗り越え、本番では練習の成果が多いに発揮されました。現地の聴衆の方々からの大きな拍手に包まれながら達成感を噛みしめるような表情でステージ裏に戻ってきた生徒達は、ここまでの互いの労をねぎらっていました。


パーセルスクール(The Purcell School)での交流会、交流演奏会

9月26日(火)と29日(金)の2日間にわたり、イギリスの私立音楽学校であるパーセルスクール(The Purcell School)を訪問しました。26日(火)は12時過ぎに現地に到着すると、生徒による演奏会で本校を迎えて下さいました。それから現地の教員・生徒との昼食の後、生徒による校内見学を経て、14時30分から本校生徒と現地生徒との交流会を行いました。


また、29日(金)の交流演奏会本番では、現地の様々な方にご来場いただきました。邦楽科生徒による英語での邦楽紹介のスピーチと演奏の際には、現地の方にも非常に興味深く聴いていただきました。邦楽科の生徒も何度も邦楽紹介の英語スピーチを練習してきたので、場を重ねるごとに英語が上達し、ますます滑らかになっていく様をみることができました。その後、パーセルスクールの先生の指揮による『チャイコフスキー交響曲第5番ホ短調 作品64』では、本校生とパーセルスクールの生徒が、言葉の壁を越えて一つの作品に向かう様子が見られ、非常に感動的でした。初日の練習ではうまくいかなかった部分も、本番では見事に修正して演奏しており、2つの国が音楽を通して融合していた50分間でした。

「2年生 英国研修旅行」http://geiko.geidai.ac.jp/sghentry/2017/10/2763/


In 2016, the Music High School attached to the Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of the Arts (known as “Geiko”) was selected as one of the designated high schools for the Super Global High School (SGU) initiative by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

As the only national high school of music in Japan, Geiko has always strived to offer the highest level of music education in Japan. Under the SGH scheme, it aims to nurture globally successful young musicians who attract audience with “the power of music”; the pupils learn from a number of world-renowned musicians who visit the high school, and study to develop their foreign language skills, while receiving support to establish a global career.

Geiko puts emphasis on practical education, collaborating with Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geidai), which was selected in 2014 for the Top Global University Project by MEXT. It is expected that Geiko will turn out global leaders who have the ability to create, communicate, and design their own career, through various forms of collaboration with our university. GEIDAI×GLOBAL will also keep an eye on Geiko’s activities as a SGH designated high school. The first post is about their trip to the U.K., during which the second graders performed and Tokyo Geidai President Kazuki Sawa conducted.

Basic Information

Participants: 41 second grade students of the Music High School (Geiko)
Location: London, the U.K.
Period: Sep. 25 – Oct 2, 2017


A solo concert by Geiko pupils and a master class at the Royal Academy of Music

The pupils visited the Royal Academy of Music for the two days of September 27 and 28. On the first day, all the pupils majoring in western music attended master classes by professors of the academy. They enjoyed and inspired by the classes, paying the greatest attention to the passionate instructions and words by the professors.

On the second day, they staged a solo concert altogether. It was held at the Duke’s Hall, the academy’s main concert hall with a long history. The performing pupils made speeches in English before each piece of music was performed. Pupils majoring traditional Japanese music introduced their instruments in English and demonstrated how to play them for the audience. The pupils were responsible for preparing everything for the concert, from writing speeches to building the programme, and repeatedly practiced the speeches as well as music. They learned through a trial and error process, withstood various difficulties, and successfully achieved great performance. When they returned to the back stage area with the joy of achievement after receiving big applause from the local audience, they were appreciating each other’s efforts and hardworking.

All the pupils were able to develop themselves and experienced indescribable joy through the days of preparation and the actual activities in the U.K. They also understood the importance of English language skills and ability to communicate their own ideas, which are indispensable to became a globally successful musician. The foreign cultural experience allowed the Japanese pupils to acquire new perspectives towards music and step onto the next stage.

Exchange concert with The Purcell School

From September 26 to 29, 2017, the Geiko Pupils visited The Purcell School, a private specialist music school in Hertfordshire, England. When they arrived at the school a little later than noon, they were welcomed with a musical performance by pupils at The Purcell School. Prior to a social meeting that started at 2 pm, they had lunch with local teachers and pupils and went on a guided campus tour with some pupils.

In the social meeting, they introduced their school in English, and later played a card game featuring famous composers with host pupils. The Japanese pupils showed how to play the game, and all the participants had fun together. This was the very moment when all their efforts were rewarded; under the leadership of a specially formed task force, they had been committed to preparing for this trip, from planning the social meeting to drafting speeches and presentations, and even making the card game.

The concert on the following day was attended by many local people. They were attentively listening to the introductory speeches and performance by the pupils of traditional Japanese instruments. The pupils had repeatedly practiced the speeches in English and they got better every time they face a new audience. Later, pupils of both schools played together the Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 by Tchaikovsky, conducted by a teacher of The Purcell School, which allowed them to have an inspirational experience of overcoming a language barrier through co-working. While there were some issues with their performance on the first day, they were corrected for the real stage. The pupils achieved great performance at the fifty-minute concert, during which two countries were united through the power of music.

For more details of Geiko’s SGH activities, please visit here.
Original article: http://geiko.geidai.ac.jp/sghentry/2017/11/2763/

Read in English