緊急事態宣言発令に関するお知らせInformation about the State of Emergency

April 10, 2020










https://www.geidai.ac.jp/news/2020040985586.html   (大学だいがくメインHP)
https://global.geidai.ac.jp/reports/coronavirus/   (GEIDAIxGLOBAL)


https://www.geidai.ac.jp/news/2020041085924.html   (日本語にほんご
https://www.geidai.ac.jp/english/news/2020041010214.html   (英語えいご


  • メールのタイトルには、なにについてのわせかをかならく。
  • メールの本文ほんぶんには、あなたのフルネーム・学籍番号がくせきばんごう所属しょぞくする学部がくぶまたは研究科名けんきゅうかめいかならく。
  • 個人情報こじんじょうほうおくるときには、ファイルにパスワードをかける。




美術学部びじゅつがくぶ美術研究科びじゅつけんきゅうか bijutsu.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp
音楽学部おんがくがくぶ音楽研究科おんがくけんきゅうか music.edu-affairs@ml.geidai.ac.jp
映像研究科えいぞうけんきゅうか eizo.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp
国際芸術創造研究科こくさいげいじゅつそうぞうけんきゅうか kyomu.senju@ml.geidai.ac.jp
国際企画課こくさいきかくか intl-tua@ml.geidai.ac.jp


Dear International Students,

The Japanese government declared a state of emergency in relation to COVID-19 on April 8. We ask you all to take appropriate actions, such as avoiding unnecessary travel and keeping social distance to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

In response to the declaration by the government, Tokyo University of the Arts has decided to implement a number of measures for the time being. Please constantly check the university website and notifications sent via email.

It is our regret that we cannot start a new semester as usual, and we share your uneasy feeling. However, we do believe that we will overcome this challenging situation and we look forward to seeing you all in good spirits soon

Sincerely yours,

Director, Global Support Center
Vice-President for International Affairs

1.   All campuses (Ueno, Yokohama, Toride, and Senjyu) are closed from April 8 to May 7. No one is allowed to enter any of these premises during this period. (The period of closure is subject to change.

2.   We will update you through the university websites and emails. Please check them every day.

https://www.geidai.ac.jp/news/2020040985586.html(University website) https://global.geidai.ac.jp/reports/coronavirus/ (GEIDAI×GLOBAL)

3.   See the website(s) below regarding your status of residence in Japan as well as student VISA.

https://www.geidai.ac.jp/news/2020041085924.html  (Japanese) https://www.geidai.ac.jp/english/news/2020041010214.html (English)

4.   All faculty members and administration staff work at home. You may send your enquiry to the email addresses found in the contacts below. When sending an email, please follow the rules described below.

  • Your main concern should be indicated in the title of the email.
  • Your full name, student number, your department should be written in the main text.
  • Set up a password when you send any file which contains your personal information.


It may take some time to respond to your enquiry as we are receiving plenty of emails. In case you have some questions, first go to our university website or other reliable sources. If you could not find any information, then, email us.


For enquiry regarding matters related to your studies (classes, grades, leaving, returning, etc.)

美術学部・美術研究科(びじゅつがくぶ・びじゅつけんきゅうか) Fine Arts
音楽学部・音楽研究科(おんがくがくぶ・おんがくけんきゅうか) Music
映像研究科(えいぞうけんきゅうか) Film and new media
国際芸術創造研究科(こくさいげいじゅつそうぞうけんきゅうか) GA

For enquiry regarding matters related to living in Japan (Status of Residence, VISA, etc.)

国際企画課 International Affairs Division