在籍中の留学生の方へfor International Students
手続き関連(在留資格、保険等)Administrative Procedures (Visa, Insurance etc.)
受給中の奨学金に関する手続きRequired procedures for Receiving Scholarships
- 国費外国人留学生制度奨学金
- 文部科学省国費外国人留学生学習奨励費
- 公益財団法人交流協会奨学金(台湾)
Signing to Receive Scholarships
International students who receive the following scholarships need to complete required procedures before the respective monthly deadlines.
- Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho; MEXT) Scholarship
- Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students
- Taipei Office of Interchange Association of Japan Scholarship
*Given the spread of the coronavirus, special procedures are in place for those who receive the above scholarships. Please pay close attention to your emails.