在籍中の留学生の方へfor International Students
留学生支援制度(奨学金・イベント等)Support for International Student (Scholarships/Events etc.)
日本語教育Japanese Language Education
for English, click the [EN] button on the upper right corner of this page.
対象 | 曜日・時間 | |
入門 | 日本語をはじめて勉強する留学生のためのクラス | 月曜日と木曜日 13:00-14:30 (週2回) |
初級 | 日本語を半年くらい勉強し、基本的な会話ができる学生のためのクラス | 火曜日 13:00-14:30 と 木曜日 14:40-16:10 (週2回) ※変更する可能性があります。 |
中級A | 日本語を1年くらい勉強し、初級文法をマスターしている学生のためのクラス | 月曜日 10:40-12:10 (週1回) |
中級B | 中級の日本語を勉強していて、大学で必要な日本語を学びたい学生のためのクラス | 火曜日 10:40-12:10 (週1回) |
・担当:石田恵里子(いしだえりこ)特任講師 ishida.eriko@ms.geidai.ac.jp
○日本事情 : 金曜日 13:00-14:30 (週1回)
日本の歴史や現代の社会事情について理解を深めると共に、日本語による文章表現能力の向上を目指す (※中級以上の日本語能力を持っていることが望ましい)
・教室:音楽学部 5-216教室
・担当:杉本和寛(すぎもとかずひろ)教授 sugimoto@ms.geidai.ac.jp
・担当:赤木浩文(あかぎひろふみ)特任講師 akagi.hirofumi@fac.geidai.ac.jp
・予約不要:授業期間中の火曜日 14:30-15:30 (音楽学部1-2-23教室)
・担当:石田恵里子(いしだえりこ)特任講師 ishida.eriko@ms.geidai.ac.jp
The University offers Japanese language support for international students as follows.
NOTE: The classes and consultation will be conducted online for the 2nd semester 2021.
Please contact the professor and the lecturer’s address below.
Classes for the international students
○Japanese language class
Introductory Japanese : 1:00-2:30 Mondays & Thursdays (2/week)
For international students who have started learning Japanese for the first time
Basic Japanese: 1:00-2:30 Tuesdays & 2:40-4:10 Thursdays (2/weeks)
For those who have studied Japanese for about 6 months and can carry a simple conversation
※Subject to change
Intermediate Japanese A:10:40-12:10 Thursdays (1/week)
For those who have mastered basic level of grammar and are now at intermediate level
Intermediate Japanese B : 10:40-12:10 Tuesdays (1/week)
For those who are studying intermediate level Japanese and working on academic Japanese
・Classroom : Music department campus # 1-2-23
・Project lecturer Eriko Ishida ishida.eriko@ms.geidai.ac.jp
○Japanese Society: 1:00-2:30 Fridays
To acquire a deeper knowledge of Japanese history and modern society, in addition to developing Japanese writing skills (intermediate level Japanese required)
・Classroom : Music department campus #5-216
・Professor Kazuhiro Sugimoto sugimoto@ms.geidai.ac.jp
Special programs
‘Learning Japanese through your research/practice ’
Presentation training program for graduate students (to be announced)
・Project lecturer Eriko Ishida ishida.eriko@ms.geidai.ac.jp
Japanese Language Consultation
Japanese language support is available to help your studies and daily life. As international students, you are welcome to talk to the instructor when you have a question or problem about Japanese language: for example when you need help to understand or write documents in Japanese, when you want to practice speaking for a presentation, when you need advice for your self-learning, and so on. 30 minutes per each appointment.
Consultation via e-mail is also available when you need support.
Some cases may not be accepted such as checking or proofreading your degree thesis or documents related to your entrance exam. Please get in contact first.
・Office hour : 2:30-3:30 Tuesdays class period, Music department campus # 1-2-23
・By appointment : Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays before/after class
Office hours (online) :by appointment
・Contact : project lecturer Eriko Ishida ishida.eriko@ms.geidai.ac.jp