GxGInternational Students

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対象たいしょう 曜日・時間ようび じかん
入門にゅうもん 日本語にほんごをはじめて勉強べんきょうする留学生りゅうがくせいのためのクラス 月曜日げつようび木曜日もくようび 13:00-14:30 (週2回しゅうにかい
初級しょきゅう 日本語にほんご半年はんとしくらい勉強べんきょうし、基本的きほんてき会話かいわができる学生がくせいのためのクラス 火曜日かようび 13:00-14:30 と 木曜日もくようび 14:40-16:10 (週2回しゅうにかい
中級ちゅうきゅうA 日本語にほんごを1ねんくらい勉強べんきょうし、初級文法しょきゅうぶんぽうをマスターしている学生がくせいのためのクラス 月曜日 10:40-12:10 (週1回しゅういっかい
中級ちゅうきゅうB 中級ちゅうきゅう日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうしていて、大学だいがく必要ひつよう日本語にほんごまなびたい学生がくせいのためのクラス 火曜日かようび 10:40-12:10 (週1回しゅういっかい

 ・教室きょうしつ:グローバルサポートセンター Lectuer Room, 大学会館2階, 上野キャンパス音楽学部
 ・担当たんとう:赤木浩文(あかぎひろふみ)特任講師とくにんこうし akagi.hirofumi@fac.geidai.ac.jp




 担当たんとう:赤木浩文(あかぎひろふみ)特任講師とくにんこうし akagi.hirofumi@fac.geidai.ac.jp

  • jpn_class_E
  • 日本人学生と留学生の交流授業2017春学期

The University offers Japanese language support for international students as follows.

Classes for international students

○Japanese language class

Introductory Japanese: 1:00-2:30 Mondays & Thursdays (2/week)
For international students who have started learning Japanese for the first time

Basic Japanese: 1:00-2:30 Tuesdays & 2:40-4:10 Thursdays (2/weeks)
For those who have studied Japanese for about 6 months and can carry a simple conversation
※Subject to change

Intermediate Japanese A:10:40-12:10 Thursdays (1/week)
For those who have mastered a basic level of grammar and are now at intermediate level

Intermediate Japanese B: 10:40-12:10 Tuesdays  (1/week)
For those who are studying intermediate-level Japanese and working on academic Japanese

・Classroom: Global Support Center Lecture Room, University Hall, 2F, Music Campus

・Lecturer: Hirofumi Akagi  (Project Lecturer) akagi.hirofumi@fac.geidai.ac.jp

Japanese Language Consultation

Japanese language support is available to help with your studies and daily life. As international students, you are welcome to talk to the instructor when you have a question or problem about the Japanese language: for example when you need help understanding or writing documents in Japanese, when you want to practice speaking for a presentation, when you need advice for your self-learning, and so on. 30 minutes per each appointment.
Consultation via e-mail is also available when you need support.

Some cases may not be accepted such as checking or proofreading your degree thesis or documents related to your entrance exam. Please get in contact first.

Lecturer: Hirofumi Akagi  (Project Lecturer) akagi.hirofumi@fac.geidai.ac.jp