国際企画課 2023年11月1日(水)からの課名変更についてThe division name of the International Affairs Division will change from 1st November 2023

October 30, 2023



学生の派遣留学や受入留学、それに関連する奨学金等の項目や留学生の住まいに関する事, 日本人学生と留学生の交流事業などは、引き続き学生課国際交流係が担当します。


GEIDAI x GLOBALに掲載されている過去の記事やページで、「国際企画課」と記載されているものは、


From Wednesday 1st November 2023, the International Affairs Division(国際企画課) will change its division name as a result of the university’s administrative gouvernance reform.

The International Affairs Division get transferred to the Student Affairs Division (学生課) and become a section, “International Exchange Section”.

As it’s always been, we will be in charege of incoming and outgoing study program for students and their related matters such as scholarships, residence for international students, interaction ecvents.

It’s office is located same place as always, 3rd floor of TAKI-PLAZA.

After 1st November 2023, please make sure that you replace “International Affairs Division” with “Student Affairs Division, International Exchange Section” when you read previous articles on this site.