Shared Campus
プログラム情報Shared Campus
Program・Symposium Information
Shared Campusは、欧州、アジア7つの芸術系大学、芸術系学科を持つ総合大学が共同で立ち上げた国際的な教育形態と研究ネットワークのための協力プラットフォームで、地球規模の課題解決にむけて、国境を越えた学術的交流を生み出すことを目的に設立されました。世界的に重要な問題に取り組むには、国境や言語、文化的背景の違いを超えた緊密な協力が不可欠であり、特に芸術は、この点で重要な役割を果たすことができるとされています。
東京藝術大学は2022年度(令和4年度)からフルパートナーの一員としてShared Campusに加盟をしています。
Shared Campusの加盟校
・フランス国立高等美術学校 (フランス)
・NOVA デ・リスボン大学(ポルトガル)
Shared Campusでは、加盟校の学生や研究者が世界の各地で、あるいはオンライン空間上で多様な交流活動、共同研究・制作を展開しています。提供されるプログラムや扱うテーマは多種多様で、分野横断的です。
Shared Campusが扱うメインテーマは以下5つとなっています。
①Critical Ecologies
②Cultures-Histories and Futures
➂Pop Cultures
④Social Transformation
➄Collaborative Tools
Shared Campusでは上記の参加校が用意する、短期プログラム(Summer Schoolsなど)や長期プログラム(semester program など)、シンポジウムや学術紙の発行など、地球規模の課題解決にむけた、秀逸な教育プログラムに参加する機会が学生に与えられています。
詳細は以下、Shared Campus HPを参照。
Shared Campus – Creative Practices across Cultures (
Shared Campusが開設しているSNS:
Instagram:Shared Campus(@shared_campus) • Instagram写真と動画
Facebook:Shared Campus | Zürich | Facebook
Shared Campus提供のプログラム情報
Summer School 2025 募集情報 2025年4月16日締切
Summer Schools 2025の募集が始まりました!
Shared Campus(SC)では、ヨーロッパとアジアの9つの芸術・デザイン系大学による連携プログラムであり、国際的な教育プログラムを緊密に連携しながら提供しています。
ラサール芸術大学(LASALLE College of the Arts)開催 art camp『Tropical Lab 18: Weather』参加者募集(大学院生)のお知らせ
Shared Campus で藝大と同じくフルテーマパートナーとして参加しているシンガポールのLASALLE College of the Arts から 2024 年 7 月中旬から 8 月初旬に、シンガポール現地で 2 週間開催される art camp の募集が来ておりますので、お知らせいたします。
毎年 20 名以上の学生 artist が招待を受けた加盟大学から、そしてシンガポールや国際的に活躍するartist も数多く参加するイベントです。
この art camp の目的は世界中から集まった学生や artist 同士の交流や共同創作活動などを通じて、アートに対する新たな視点や、思考法を広げ、創作活動意欲を刺激することにあります。
芸大から最終的に現地へ渡航できる参加者は全世界から参加者が集まるプログラムの性質上大学院生 1 名のみです。学部生は残念ながら応募できません。応募者多数となった場合は学内専攻があります。
Tropical Lab については、過去実施回を紹介した動画(第 13 回実施時の様子)が YouTubeにアップされていますので、ご関心のある方は参照ください。
Tropical Lab 13: Erase – YouTube
※詳細は本ページに掲載されている LASALLE College of the Arts が発行した英語で書かれたプログラム告知資料やプログラム内容、応募・参加条件などを記載した書類を必ず参照するようにしてください。
プログラム名 :Tropical Lab 18: Weather
期間 :2024年 7月 18日(木)~8月1日(木)
場所 :シンガポール、LASALLE 藝術大学。参加者には作業のためのスタジオ、ギャラリー、
費用 :以下の費用は LASALLE College of the Arts によって補助されます。
・art camp プログラムに係るシンガポール国内の移動費
・プログラム期間中の宿泊費用(LASALLE 芸術大学近くのホテル)
・参加費 450 Singapore Dollar (日本円でおよそ 45,000 円)
・シンガポールや他国から参加するartist との交流
・LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (ICAS)での展覧会開催など
【応募】2023 年 12月 24日まで(終了)に本 art camp に参加希望の方は以下の 学内申請用のGoogle form に必要事項を記載し、応募意志を示すともに、当該 form に TROPICAL LAB 18 :Weather 学内応募申請用シートを記入の上、あわせてアップロードしてください。
*TLab 17 – Programme Information
*TROPICAL LAB 18 : Weather 学内応募申請用シート(PDF ・ Word) どちらか一方の提出でかまいません。
応募者多数の場合は学内専攻の後、1 月初旬までに結果をお知らせいたします。学内応募推薦者に選ばれた方は、遅くとも 2024 年 1 月 15 日までにラサール芸術大学指定様式のapplication Form、CV(英語の履歴書)、パスポートの顔写真ページの scan data を LASALLE 芸術大学の以下の 2 名の本プロジェクト担当者 Email アドレスまで送付すること。
(*ラサール芸術大学指定様式のapplication Formは最終的に本学からの参加者として決定した学生にお渡しします。)
Milenko Prvacki
Senior Fellow
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
Sureni Salgadoe
Assistant Manager, Projects
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
国際シンポジウム情報 Shared Campus | Cultures – Histories & Futures
Unlearning Realities – Reimagining Futures 2023年7月7日掲載
Shared Campusフルパートナー加盟校であるシンガポールのLASALLE芸術大学と、「Cultures – Histories and Futures」 テーマグループが開催する10月5日(木)、10月6日(金)、「アートの実践とアート教育を使ったunlearning(学修棄却)」をテーマにしたの国際シンポジウムのお知らせです。
シンポジウムの詳細は、以下のShared Campusのページを参照してください。
Unlearning Realities – Reimagining Futures – Shared Campus (
Critical Ecologies “Conversation with Extractivism”
Shared Campusのメインテーマの一つである”Critical Ecologies”チームから国際シンポジウム開催のお知らせです。
Conversations with Extractivism
日程: 2023年7月3日~7月5日(終了)
時間: 7:00 – 9:00 GMT(グリニッジ標準時間) 3日間開催
シンポジウムでは、Extractivism に関する歴史やそのコンセプト、実際の資源採掘作業について、アーティスト、デザイナー、研究者を一堂に集めて、それらを批判的に考察します。 アートやデザイン、パフォーミングアート、建築といった複数の分野からの視点を通して、招待された講演者(invited speakers )は、自然資源を採掘することで発生する問題の複雑性が-物質からデータ、そして記憶、感情へ-地球規模、そしてローカル規模で我々の生活などに与える影響に焦点をあてながら議論を進めていきます。
3回のセッションを通じて、この国際シンポジウムはExtractivism についてグローバルで創造的な協力体制を築くための会話のplatformとなることでしょう。
各セッションの後には、質疑応答とopen conversationの時間が設けられます。
このシンポジウムはShared Campus、Critical Ecologiesグループの核心部分である世界に変革を促す議論、分野横断的な交流を提供します。
Kareen ADAM, Ricardo AVELLA, Emilia BOURITI, Fritriani DWI KURNIASIH, Maria KAMPOURI, Therese KEOGH, Maria PETEINAKI, Daisy TAM, and Kirakee WATSON.
Moderators: Nicholas MANGAN, Ruobing WANG and Yusaku IMAMURA
This symposium is conceived by Desiree HERNANDEZ, Eduardo KAIRUZ, Heather BARNETT and Nuria KRAEMER.
Athens: [sic] Space for International Cooperation; Address: Nileos 9, Athens 11851
Melbourne: Monash Art, Design and Architecture, Building G, Caulfield Campus, 900 Dandenong Road, 3145
Online registration HERE
visit our website
主催者: Shared Campus | Critical Ecologies
ホスト機関: Monash University, University of the Arts London, Zurich University of the Arts
アテネでの協力機関: Georgios Pappadopoulos and [sic] Space for International Cooperation (ATHENS)
メイン ビジュアルデザイナー: MULTI FORM (
募集情報:Art Futures Awards in Asia 2023 2023年6月20日更新
今回募集する” Art Futures Awards in Asia 2023”というプログラムは2022年に設立された比較的新しいアジア全域を巻き込んだ現代アートのコンペティションで、選出された作品は香港を会場にした現地の展覧会とオンラインで展示会に出品されます。Shared Campusが直接開催に関係するものではありませんが、藝大と同じくShared Campusのフルパートナー加盟校である香港の「Hong Kong Baptist University (香港浸会大学)」・Academy of Visual Artsが主催の中心となり、その他「City University of Hong Kong(香港城市大学) 」やシンガポールの「Lasalle College of the Arts(ラサール芸術大学)」、またPop Cultureのテーマパートナー校でもる「京都精華大学」などのShared Campus関連校も数多く参加するコンペティションです。上記以外にもマレーシアやタイ、中国、韓国などアジアの多くの国々の芸術系教育機関から(芸大と部局間協定を結んでいる機関も含まれています)参加します。このコンペティションはアジア各国の教育機関から集まった若きアーティストたちが、アイディアを交換できるプロットフォームへ成長し、最終的にはアジアを超えたグローバルなアートの潮流に影響を与えることを目的としています。
応募希望者は20Mb までの容量で制作したPDF形式のポートフォリオを1冊提出する必要があり、その構成要素は:
3)課程・学年・専攻 例)学部課程4年・彫刻科
5)連絡先電話番号 *日本の電話番号の場合、国番号「+81」を冒頭につけ、最初の「0」を
例)090-1234-5678 → +81 90 1234 5678
6) PDFファイル1つにまとめた提出作品に関する10枚までの画像(データ総容量は
20 MBまで)。
Art Institution name _NomineeLastname_NomineeFirstname.pdf
例)Tokyo University of the Arts_Suzuki_Taro.pdf
募集情報:学芸関係・研究関係 フランス パリ国立高等美術学校での
レジデンスプログラム(curatorial and research residency)
今回募集する”La Résidence”というレジデンスプログラム(curatorial and research residency)はShared Campusが開催する直接のプログラムではありませんが、Shared Campusでも、「Critical Ecologies」のテーマパートナーとして加盟登録をしており、本学とも関係の深い関係のあるフランス・パリ国立高等美術学校(L’École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris)が開催するプロジェクトです。フランス・パリ国立高等美術学校は本学美術学部・大学院美術研究科との長年の国際交流協定校でもあります。
本”La Résidence”プログラムの詳細、応募方法は、募集要項(Beaux-Arts de Paris_Residency call for applications)をご確認ください。
尚、本プログラムの募集対象はcuration, art management, cultural studiesといった分野を専攻としている方で、基本的には学生ではなく、学位取得後(修士以上)、上記分野(展覧会のキュレーションなど)数年のプロフェッショナルな経験を積んだ方が対象となります。
Semester program 2023募集のお知らせ 2023年3月20日掲載
Transcultural Collaborationは芸術諸分野とデザインを中心とした、Shared Campusの欧州とアジアに跨がる教育機関が展開するユニークな長期にわたる学期プログラムです。2023年は全ての芸術分野とデザイン系の25名の学士課程の学生と修士学生がスイスのチューリッヒと台湾の台北を舞台にこのプログラムに参加できるチャンスがあります。昨今、アーティスト、パフォーマー、ミュージシャン、そしてキュレーターやデザイナーには相互に絡み合ったグローバルな枠組みでコミュニケーションしたり、アイディアを出したり、議論をするだけでなく分野横断的な幅広い知見が求められています。私たちが全世界的に直面している問題は複雑でまた差し迫ったものが多いため、世界の教育機関等が協力関係を築きこうした問題解決に挑んでいくのは重要なことです。スイスのチューリッヒと台湾の台北が今年のSemester programのメイン会場となり、プログラム期間中の探究や実験の場となります。チューリッヒと台北の文化的、歴史的差異、また生活様式の違いはプログラムに参加することで参加者にこれまでにない見識に気づかされたり、価値観や政治体制、伝統と文化の融合、あるいは権力構造などの様々なトピックを考える機会にもなることでしょう。また台湾国内で第3の場としてのフィールドロケーションも計画されており、その旅は新たな視点を与えてくれる物となります。
より詳細な内容や応募方法や締め切りについては、冒頭の募集要項(英語)をご確認ください。また、このSemester programは2023年の8月21日から12月2日と3ヶ月以上にわたるプログラムであり、藝大の10月1日から始まる後期の最初の2ヶ月間を日本不在にすることになります。そのため、このSemester programに応募する前には、必ず所属研究室に日本不在中にこのプログラムで履修した内容が単位互換されるか、あるいは休学して参加する必要があるのか、Shared Campusに応募書類を提出する前に確認をしてから応募をするようにしてください。
Summer Schools 2023 参加者募集のお知らせ
締め切り延長:2023年3月23日(木) 日本時間24:00まで(終了)
Shared Campus Summer Schools 2023 プログラムの募集が開始されましたのでお知らせいたします。
今年は2023年6月、7月、8月に芸大が主催する東京でのプログラムを含め、香港やスイス、オーストラリア、シンガポールなどで合計6つのプログラムが開催される予定です。Shared Campus フルパートナー加盟校である芸大生であれば、所属部局や専攻を問わず応募できます。
応募の方法や〆切などは以下のShared Campus HPからご確認ください(表記は英語です)
CALL FOR APPLICATION: Shared Campus Summer Schools 2023 – Shared Campus (
プログラムの詳細については、上記リンク内にも掲載がございますがSummer Schools 2023 OPEN CALLを参照ください。
また、上記HPに記載のある通り、2月8日(水)と2月28日(火)にSummer Schools 2023についてのオンライン説明会が開催されます。参加に関心のある方は上記サイトから詳細を確認してください。
尚、Shared Campus Summer Schools 2023では参加費、受講料はかかりません。
- 往復の航空便代金
- 現地での宿泊代金
- 現地での食費などの生活費
- 現地滞在のためのビザ申請(必要な場合)
ラサール芸術大学(LASALLE College of the Arts)開催 art camp『Tropical Lab 17: PLAYGROUND』参加者募集(大学院生)のお知らせ( 2023年1月16日学内応募終了しました)
Shared Campus で藝大と同じくフルテーマパートナーとして参加しているシンガポールのLASALLE College of the Arts から 2023 年 7 月末から 8 月初旬に、シンガポール現地で 2 週間開催される art camp の募集が来ておりますので、お知らせいたします。毎年 20 名以上の学生 artist が招待を受けた加盟大学から、またシンガポールで、あるいは国際的に活躍するartist も多く参加するイベントです。
この art camp の目的は世界中から集まった学生や artist 同士の交流や共同創作活動などを通じて、アートに対する新たな視点や、思考法を広げ、創作活動意欲を刺激することにあります。出身専攻は問いませんので、美術、音楽、映像、国際芸術創造研究科、どの専攻からも大学院生であれば応募可能です。芸大から最終的に現地へ渡航できる参加者は全世界から参加者が集まるプログラムの性質上大学院生 1 名のみです。学部生は残念ながら応募できません。応募者多数となった場合は学内専攻があります。
Tropical Lab については、過去実施回を紹介した動画(第 13 回実施時の様子)が YouTubeにアップされていますので、ご関心のある方は参照ください。
Tropical Lab 13: Erase – YouTube
※詳細は本ページに掲載されている LASALLE College of the Arts が発行した英語で書かれたプログラム告知資料やプログラム内容、応募・参加条件などを記載した書類を必ず参照するようにしてください。
プログラム名 :Tropical Lab 17: PLAYGROUND
期間 :2023年 7月 20日(木)~8月3日(木)
場所 :シンガポール、LASALLE 藝術大学。参加者には作業のためのスタジオ、ギャラリー、
費用 :以下の費用は LASALLE College of the Arts によって補助されます。
・art camp プログラムに係るシンガポール国内の移動費
・プログラム期間中の宿泊費用(LASALLE 芸術大学近くのホテル)
・参加費 450 Singapore Dollar (日本円でおよそ 45,000 円)
※日本とシンガポール往復航空券代や参加費の一部は、藝大からの補助で賄われる可能性がありますが、本プロジェクト募集時点(2022 年 12 月時点)ではまだその詳細や補助の可否などは決定しておりません。最終的なシンガポールへの派遣決定者(大学院生 1 名)には、決まり次第追って連絡致します。航空券の半券や参加費の領収書や支払い証明は手元で保管しておくようにしてください。
・シンガポールのMcNally School of Fine Arts と LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Art
Singapore から参加するartist との交流
・LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (ICAS)での展覧会開催など
【応募】2023 年 1月 16日まで(終了)に本 art camp に参加希望の方は以下の Google form に必要事項を記載し、応募意志を示すともに、当該 form に TROPICAL LAB 17 :PLAY GROUND 学内応募申請用シートを記入の上、あわせてアップロードしてください。
*TLab 17 – Programme Information
*TROPICAL LAB 17 : PLAY GROUND 学内応募申請用シート(PDF ・ Word)
応募者多数の場合は学内専攻の後、2 月初旬までに結果をお知らせいたします。学内応募推薦者に選ばれた方は、遅くとも 2023 年 2 月 10 日までにラサール芸術大学指定様式のapplication Form、CV(英語の履歴書)、パスポートの顔写真ページの scan data を LASALLE 芸術大学の以下の 2 名の本プロジェクト担当者 Email アドレスまで送付すること。
Milenko Prvacki
Senior Fellow
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
Sureni Salgadoe
Assistant Manager, Projects
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
台北芸術大学(Taipei National University of the Arts)
『アートとサステイナビリティ(Art and Sustainability)』
東京藝術大学と共に、Shared CampusのフルパートナーとしてShared Campus内の様々なプログラムに関わっている台湾の台北国立芸術大学(Taipei National University of the Arts)が「アートとサステナビリティ(Art and Sustainability)」をテーマにした国際フォーラムを2022年12月8日、12月9日に開催します。
台湾内外から20名以上のアーテイストを招聘し“Global Sustainable Transformation under the Climate Crisis”,“Sustainable Theatre Operations”,“Sustainable Productions”,“Circular Materials and Design”; “Sustainable Design”,“Sustainable Visual Arts”, “Sustainable Festivals.”などの芸術表現と環境の持続可能性についての様々なテーマで意見交換、講演が催されます。日本からオンラインでの参加も可能です。フォーラムへの参加費は無料です。
International Forum for Art and Sustainability: VIP Registration Form
1.Forum Introduction
Global climate change has been the biggest threat to sustainable development in recent years. Many countries have passed laws to achieve net zero by 2050 to solve the climate crisis. Taiwan is also joining the world by officially publishing “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050” this year, aiming to control global warming altogether.
In addition, international performing arts and theatre industries are contributing to energy saving and carbon reduction through Art Climate Initiative. We all believe that climate change is a global crisis for which we all have the responsibility.
Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), the first arts university in Taiwan, is a leading contemporary arts institution in Asia. Marking the 40th anniversary of the university, “TNUA 40th Anniversary : Initiating Art and Sustainability” will conduct an online “TNUA 40th Anniversary Forum: Art and Sustainability” conference in December 2022.
We attempt to invite more than twenty art and culture professionals in Taiwan and overseas to exchange their perspectives on seven issues in a two-day online forum: “Global Sustainable Transformation under the Climate Crisis”; “Sustainable Theatre Operations”; “Sustainable Productions”; “Circular Materials and Design”; “Sustainable Design”; “Sustainable Visual Arts” and “Sustainable Festivals.”
We also intend to explore the potential for art and sustainability, and connect Taiwan with the international cultural and creative industries to broaden the audience’s sustainability knowledge.
2.Forum Information
Date: 2022/12/8(Thu)-12/9(Fri)
[Online participation registration]
[In site]
Venue: 3rd floor, Center for Art and Technology, TNUA (Live on YouTube)
Please confirm your intention to attend before 11/28(Mon.), and fill out the form.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an E-mail to:
Thank you for your support and participation, see you in the Forum!
シンポジウム “Conversations with … Extractivism” 7/12掲載
テーマ :Critical Ecologies
日程 :2022年7月15日(金)、7月16日(土) (終了)
参加費 :無料 (対面参加する場合の渡航費、宿泊費などは自己負担になります)
Conversations with … Extractivism
The Conversations with … Extractivism symposium will bring together an ensemble of researchers who explore the notion of ‘extractivism’ across different fields and through a myriad of forms, including (though not limited to):
– Supply chains at the scale of the local and global
– Extractive practices operating at micro and macro levels
– Enterprises that encompass the terrestrial and off-world
– Mining tangible natural resources such as rare earth minerals
– Examining the role of ‘sustainable futures’
– Interrogating scars that cut through the Earth and its inhabitants.
Crucial to considering ‘extractivism’ through these structures is an accountability for Indigenous struggles and propositions for degrowth, resistance, and emancipation.
Conversations with…Extractivism is a hybrid symposium collectively led by Dr Nicholas Mangan, Charity Edwards and Dr Eduardo Kairuz from Monash University’s Faculty of Art Design & Architecture (MADA), as part of the planetary Shared Campus: Critical Ecologies group. It will be hosted in-person at Monash University’s Caulfield Campus and simultaneously online with our international partners in Zurich, Athens, Taipei, London and elsewhere.
Keynote speakers will be Dr Alonso Barros and Dr Susan Schuppli. The full programme will be announced shortly. This event is open to public and free of charge.
Dates: 15 – 16 July 2022
Times (on both days):
4:00 – 9:00am GMT
5:00 – 10:00am London
6:00 – 11:00am Utrecht, Zurich
12:00 – 5:00pm Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore
1:00 – 6:00pm Tokyo
2:00 – 7:00 pm Melbourne
Register link: HERE
Outline of Shared Campus.
Initiated by seven art institutions and universities having art departments, Shared Campus (SC) is a comprehensive cooperation platform for sustainable educational formats, research networks and co-productions.
Today, close cooperation between cultures and disciplines is essential for addressing issues of global significance. In particular the arts play an important role in this respect. Shared Campus establishes connections that create added value for students, academics and professionals and enable participants to share and pool knowledge and competencies.
The platform is designed along internationally relevant themes and issues, with a focus on transcultural issues and interdisciplinary cooperation.
Tokyo University of the Arts has been a full-partner member since April 2022.
Students and researchers have a lively exchange activity, joint production and co-research in sites around the world and online.
Facing worldwide issues, Shared Campus covers Interdisciplinary themes and organizes various programs such as Summer Schools, Semester Program, International Symposium and publication of academic journals
Main 5 themes of Shared Campus:
– Critical Ecologies
– Cultures, Histories and Futures
– Pop Cultures
– Social Transformation
– Collaborative Tools
For more details, please refer to the website of Shared Campus.
Shared Campus – Creative Practices across Cultures (
SNS for Shared Campus
Instagram:Shared Campus(@shared_campus) • Instagram写真と動画
Facebook:Shared Campus | Zürich | Facebook
Shared Campus – Social Tranformation theme group new project “Talkshops” NEW April 1st,2024
Call for Expressions of Interest
Shared Campus PhD Community
Talkshops, a new Shared Campus initiative embedded within the Social Transformation theme group.
Talkshops are imagined as a series of online (Zoom) gatherings curated and chaired by Tobias Klein (School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong) and Basia Sliwinska (Art History Institute, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal) and led by you. They aim at intriguing participants from inter- and cross-disciplinary backgrounds where social transformation within art&design forms an umbrella for the exchange of ideas.
PhD students from across Shared Campus are invited to express interest in leading one of the Talkshops.
We hope this will be of interest to you and we look forward to hearing from those wishing to engage.
Detailed information: Shared Campus Website. PDF booklet.
Submission of interest: Google Form
Submission deadline: 8 April 2024
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Sira Negri, Administrator Shared Campus
CALL FOR APPLICATION : Summer Schools 2024 NEW February 28th
Cross-cultural collaboration is more important than ever! Direct exchange with international artists and designers is fundamental to understanding global contexts and to dealing with different perspectives and living environments.
Shared Campus (SC) is an alliance between 13 art and design universities from Europe and Asia that offers international educational formats and research networks in close cooperation. The interdisciplinary SC Summer Schools are open for all students of the partner institutions and address important global issues in diverse formats and different locations as Athens, Hong Kong, Singapore, Soeul, Taipei, and Zurich. See below for a brief overview of the offerings, as well as the links to the application.
For those who are accepted by Shared Campus as an official participant, there would be a possibility to receive a JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship. Please be reminded that a payment of scholarship is not guaranteed even if your application is accepted finally by Shared Campus. And please note in advance that one of the eligibilities to receive a JASSO scholarship is haveing Japanese nationality or having a status of residence “permanent residency” including Special permanent resident. Thank you for your understanding.
Application deadline: 15 April 2024
Information events
Information event link:
Password: 468588
1st info event – 06 March 2024
(time indicated in respective time zone)
11:00 – 12:30 London/Lisbon
12:00 – 13:30 Amsterdam⁄ Paris⁄Växjö⁄ Zurich
19:00 – 20:30 Hong Kong⁄ Singapore ⁄ Taipei
20:00 – 21:30 Tokyo ⁄ Kyoto
22:00 – 23:30 Melbourne
2nd info event – 03 April 2024
(time indicated in respective time zone)
09:00 – 10:30 London/Lisbon
10:00 – 11:30 Amsterdam⁄ Paris⁄Växjö⁄ Zurich
16:00 – 17:30 Hong Kong/Singapore ⁄ Taipei
17:00 – 18:30 Tokyo ⁄ Kyoto
19:00 – 20:30 Melbourne
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Sira Negri, Administrator Shared Campus
Follow us on INSTAGRAM for news on summer schools and beyond
Programs offered by Shared Campus and programs offered by one of its partner
-University of the Arts London
A series of conversations convened by Dr Michael Asbury
“The River, The Lake & The Ocean: Critical Perspectives on Art & the Global South”
This notice is to inform the Graduate School’s students of the recruitment of an art camp to be organized in Singapore from the middle of July 2024 to the beginning of August 2024, during 2 weeks, by LASALLE College of Arts.
LASALLE College of the Arts is a
NEW published on January 31st 2024
University of the Arts London invites you to join a series of conversations convened by Dr Michael Asbury, bringing together world-renowned artists, scholars and curators to discuss issues around art and its contemporary condition. The sessions are held remotely via Zoom Webinar and are free to join.
Session 1: The River
Wednesday 7th February 2024 6–7.30pm (GMT)
This session considers how the flow of time, and within it the heterogeneity of the present, may be understood in relation to Latin American art and its historiographies. It asks whether we may think of contemporary art through genealogies that transcend relationships of centre and periphery, and what other approaches would better emphasise art’s multiple and diverse timelines?
In discussing such questions and setting an art historical frame for the series, distinguished Professor of Art History, Andrea Giunta joins Michael Asbury in conversation.
Register for the session.
Session 2: The Lake
Wednesday 14th February 2024 6–7.30pm (GMT)
In this session, UAL’s Lucy Orta and David Cross join Maria Thereza Alves and Antonio Pichillá in a conversation about art, solidarity with Indigenous land-rights movements, the global climate crisis and ecological justice.
Register for the session.
Session 3: The Ocean
Wednesday 21st February 2024 6–7.30pm (GMT)
In this final session, artists Rosana Paulino, Ayrson Heraclito and Olu Oguibe join Paul Goodwin to discuss their own critical approaches to art practice, its legitimation and global dissemination.
Register for the session.
Registration & Event Programme
Please register for each event via our Eventbrite page, where you can also download a copy of the programme.
Recording and Livestream
This event will be recorded and livestreamed via Zoom to registered online participants. UAL’s Virtual Event Privacy Notice sets out how your personal information will be collected and processed when you register and attend a UAL (University of the Arts London) event.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact:
Recruitment information for art camp “Tropical Lab 18:Weather” organized by LASALLE College of the Arts NEW published on 22nd November 2023
This notice is to inform the Graduate School’s students of the recruitment of an art camp to be organized in Singapore from the middle of July 2024 to the beginning of August 2024, during 2 weeks, by LASALLE College of Arts.
LASALLE College of the Arts is a full theme partner institution of Shared Campus same as Tokyo University of the Arts.
In this art camp, more than 20 student-artists from the Institutions invited by LASALLE College of the Arts participate in it and Singaporean local and international artists also participate in this art camp every year.
It is the 18th time this year that the artcamp has been held.
The aim of Tropical Lab is to expand the views of the participants, to exchange experiences, and to stimulate creative thinking through a collaborative approach.
In addition, to create a positive environment that will stimulate and cultivate minds, imaginations, emotional(intuitive) consciousness and cultural sensibilities of the emerging generation of students of art.
The major which you specialize in currently at Tokyo University of the Arts doesn’t matter.
A graduate school student from Fine Arts, Music, Film and New Media and Global Arts is eligible to apply for this art camp.
The candidate who can participate in this art camp from Tokyo University of the Arts is 1 graduate school student in total.
Please note that an undergraduate course student isn’t eligible to apply for this art camp.
When oversubscribed, there will be an inner selection of the university.
With regard to Tropical Lab project, a video which records past art camp (13th edition) is on YouTube.
If you have an interest in it, please refer to the following URL link to see the referential video.
Tropical Lab 13: Erase – YouTube
*For more details, please be sure to confirm the programme information document of the program.
Program :Tropical Lab 18:Weather
Duration:Thursday 18th July 2024 – Thursday 1st August 2024
Venue:LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally Street, Singapore 187940.
Participants will have a range of studios, galleries and workshop to work in.
Cost:The following fees are covered by LASALLE College of the Arts
•LASALLE will cover all ground costs(accommodation, local travel, meals and reasonable art materials in Singapore.
: A participant is required to pay the following fees .
•Participating institutions/students are responsible for their air travel, airport transfers and Participation Fee of S$450.
Theme of the program :Weather
Contents of the program :a series of research, presentations, seminars, dialogues and field trips organized around the theme, participants will have the opportunity to interact and learn from international and Singaporean artists and curators from McNally School of Fine Arts and LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Art Singapore.
The Tropical Lab International Art Camp will culminate with an exhibition at LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Arts
Singapore (ICAS) designated gallery(s). The exhibition will open to the public tentatively on Friday, 2nd August 2024.
【Application】 by Friday 24th December 2023
A graduate school student who would like to apply for this art camp is required to firstly fill in the form below and upload an Inner application form of TROPICAL LAB 18: Weather in the following Google form to show its intention to participate.
【Program Information・Inner application form】
*Tropical Lab 18 – Programme Information
*Inner application form of TROPICAL LAB 18: Weather (PDF ・Word)
In the case there are a large number of applicants, after inner selection of the university,
Tokyo University of the Arts will decide a graduate school student who will participate in this art camp.
A graduate school student who has been selected finally as a representative participant of the university for this project is required to submit by email an application form designated by LASALLE College of the Arts, your CV in English and a scanned data of the page in your passport with your photo on it no later than 15th January 2024 to the following two persons at LASALLE College of the Arts in charge of this art camp project.
(* Application form designated by LASALLE College of the Arts will be provided to a finally selected applicant after the inner selection has finished)
【Where to apply / Contact persons】
Milenko Prvacki
Senior Fellow
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
Sureni Salgadoe
Assistant Manager, Projects
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Shared Campus | Cultures – Histories & Futures
Unlearning Realities – Reimagining Futures NEW 7th July 2023
LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore, a full partner member of Shared Campus, in collaboration with the Cultures – Histories and Futures theme group will hold an international symposium
on unlearning with arts practice and arts education on Thursday October 5th and Friday 6th October 2023.
For more information
Unlearning Realities – Reimagining Futures – Shared Campus (
Call for registration :
International Symposium of Critical Ecologies group
“Conversations with Extractivism” NEW 16th June 2023
Shared Campus | Critical Ecologies – 2023 International Symposium
Conversations with Extractivism
International symposium exploring how art, design, performance and architecture practices respond to the extractivist worldview.
Dates: 3 – 5 July 2023
Times: 7:00 – 9:00 GMT on all three days
Location: A hybrid symposium taking place online, in Athens and Melbourne.
Conversations with Extractivism is a symposium that brings together an ensemble of artists, designers, and researchers to critically examine the practices, histories and concepts of ‘extractivism.’ Through multiple lenses within the domain of art, design, performance and architecture, invited speakers will discuss the complexities of a worldview based on the extraction and exploitation of planetary resources — from matter, to data, to memories, to emotions — focusing on the impacts at local and global scales.
Over three sessions, this international gathering will provide a space for dialogue that fosters a collaborative creative exploration of extractivist practices.
Looking into the themes of ‘place,’ ‘matter,’ and ‘action,’ the symposium will interrogate the social, ecological, and cultural implications of extractivist worldviews, opening up a space to evolve deeper insights and forge new approaches which can contribute to reciprocal, sustainable and equitable futures.
Each session invites three artists/researchers to share practices, stories and case studies for consideration, followed by questions and an open conversation.
This symposium builds upon the success of its 2022 edition, providing a platform for the transformative conversations and transdisciplinary exchanges that are at the heart of the Shared Campus | Critical Ecologies Group’s mission.
This international symposium is open to public and free of charge. You can join online and at one of the two locations.
※Travel fee, accommodation fee and other fees related to a participation on-site is at each participant’s expense.
Kareen ADAM, Ricardo AVELLA, Emilia BOURITI, Fritriani DWI KURNIASIH, Maria KAMPOURI, Therese KEOGH, Maria PETEINAKI, Daisy TAM, and Kirakee WATSON.
Moderators: Nicholas MANGAN, Ruobing WANG and Yusaku IMAMURA
This symposium is conceived by Desiree HERNANDEZ, Eduardo KAIRUZ, Heather BARNETT and Nuria KRAEMER.
Athens: [sic] Space for International Cooperation; Address: Nileos 9, Athens 11851
Melbourne: Monash Art, Design and Architecture, Building G, Caulfield Campus, 900 Dandenong Road, 3145
Registration for online attendance:
Online registration HERE
If you wish to attend at one of the two physical locations, there is no registration needed.
※Travel fee, accommodation fee and other fees related to a participation on-site is at each participant’s expense.
For more information visit our website
Organiser: Shared Campus | Critical Ecologies
Hosts: Monash University, University of the Arts London, Zurich University of the Arts
Project Partner in Athens: Georgios Pappadopoulos and [sic] Space for International Cooperation (ATHENS)
Main Visual Designer: MULTI FORM (
This event will take place on the unceded lands of the people of the Kulin nations. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and acknowledge Aboriginal connection to material and creative practice on these lands for more than 60,000 years.
Call for applications : Art Futures Awards in Asia 2023
Published on 22th May 2023 NEW Renewed on 20th June 2023
“Art Futures Awards in Asia 2023” is a relatively new established, in 2022, contemporary arts competition for the Asia whole area, whose selected art works will be exhibited in an exhibition in Hong Kong and also in online exhibition. This art competition is initiated by Academy of Visual Arts, School of Creative Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, which is a full partner institution of Shared Campus like Geidai and this competition isn’t a program of Shared Campus, but many Shared Campus full partner institutions such as City University of Hong Kong, Lasalle College of the Arts (Singapore), and Shared Campus them partner institution like Kyoto Seika University (pop culture theme) also participates in this competition. In addition to these institutions, many institutions in Malaysia, Thailand, China South Korea and other Asian countries participate in this competition including institutions having a bilateral student exchange program with Geidai. One of its goals is to become a platform allowing participant students to exchange ideas and is also to influence global artistic trend not only in Asia but also all around the world.
The application guideline issued by organizer group is referable here.
Applicants from an institution like university is 2 persons at the maximum. Students who is enrolled in the final year of undergraduate course this 2023 academic year to obtain Bachelor degree and students who has obtained a Bachelor degree within 2 years are eligible for the application of this art competition. In case of Geidai, those who graduated from an undergraduate program and obtained a Bachelor degree in 2021 academic year, in March 2022 and those who graduated from an undergraduate program and obtained a Bachelor degree in 2022 academic year, in March 2023 are eligible for the application for this competition.
Regarding the major, Please note that Music and Global Arts (Art management, Curation, Research) majors are unfortunately excluded and the design major from Faculty of Fine Arts is also excluded. Application data and artworks of applicant will be examined and 2 students (at the maximum) will be nomined by the International strategy committee of the university. The 2 nominees are eligible for applying to this art competition officially as representative students of Geidai.
All submitted artworks must be original and created within the last two years (2022-2023). Artworks which have already received awards in previous art competitions will not be considered.
Nominees are required to submit a PDF portfolio with a maximum file size of 20 Mb, including the following:
1) Up to 10 high quality images of submitted artworks. For video works a website link (url) should be provided.
2) A description of each submitted artwork of up to 200 words.
3) A biography of the nominee of up to 200 words.
【How to apply】
No later than Friday September 8th, submit the following required information and art works data to the International Affairs Division’s email.
1) Student number
2) Name in Kanji (if applicable)
3) Academic Course・Grade・Major Ex)Master 1st year・Sculpture
4)Name in alphabet shown as in your passport
5)Contact telephone number with country code
Ex)090-1234-5678 → +81 90 1234 5678
6) Up to 10 high quality images of submitted artworks put together in a PDF file.
For video works a website link (url) should be provided.
File names for each PDF must be in the following format:
Art Institution name_NomineeLastname_NomineeFirstname.pdf
Ex)Tokyo University of the Arts_Smith_John.pdf
Call for applications : curatorial and research residency at Beaux-Arts de Paris NEW 18th April 2023
“La Résidence” is a curatorial and research residency project organized by Beaux-Arts de Paris (L’École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris). This isn’t a project organized and hosted by Shared Campus, but Beaux-Arts de Paris is one of the theme group members of “Critical Ecologies” of Shared Campus, which is strongly related to Tokyo University of the Arts. And Beaux-Arts de Paris is also the international partner of the Faculty and Graduate School of Fine Arts of Tokyo University of the Arts.
With regard to its project’s contents in detail and application information, please refer to the following guideline.
The eligible persons for this project are principally professionals and researchers, who specialize in the curation, art management, cultural studies research field and have some professional experiences in this fields after she / he has obtained a degree more than Master or above. A student is unfortunately excluded for this project’s eligibility to apply but a student currently enrolled in a doctoral course who has already a master degree and also has some professional experiences in these fields, even if these professional experiences were a part of its required curriculum on master course, are eligible to apply to this curatorial and research residency at Beaux-Arts de Paris. And regarding the language, the project is organized principally in French so an applicant is required to have a sufficient French language level. There is some support in English during the project but in any way an applicant is required to have a basic French language level.
Call for application for Semester program 2023 NEW 20th March 2023
Transcultural Collaboration is a unique international semester programme in the arts and design, and a cooperation between Shared Campus partner institutions in Asia and Europe. 25 BA and MA students from all arts and design disciplines have the chance to explore Zurich and Taipei this year 2023, collaborating on experiments with open outcomes. Today, artists, performers, musicians, curators and designers need a multi-perspective mindset, as well as a genuine commitment and willingness to communicate, exchange, and debate ideas and opinions within a global framework, critically reflecting on manifold interconnected issues and questions. Given the complex and pressing nature of the problems facing all of us, we are convinced that close cooperation is imperative for tackling these issues.
Zurich and Taipei are the two main locations of the programme. They serve as the base and common playground for explorations and experiments. Their different cultural and historical developments and living environments provide interesting insights and opportunities for reflection on a variety of topics such as value systems, politics, traditions and cultural hybridization, or power structures. A field trip to a third location within Taiwan or the region will offer an additional perspective.
For more details of its contents, application, deadline, please see the Call of application located on the top.
Also, this Semester program will last for more than 3 month, from 21st August 2023 to 2nd December 2023, which fall on a part of the second semester of Geidai, October 2023, November 2023 and the beginning of December. Therefore please make sure that you confirm to the department which you belong to whether the activities of this Semester program could be recognized as credits of Geidai or make sure that it is required whether you need to take school absence to participate in this program in advance before submitting an application to Shared Campus.
Still, with regard to the possibility of supporting a part of financial burden of students, as of April 2023, the university is expected to secure JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship, but please note that there are requirements to be a recipient and there are also maximum number of recipients. It is regrettable to inform you that Japanese nationality student and international students whose status of residence is permanent resident are eligible for this scholarship but international students whose status of residence is Student (留学) isn’t applied for this scholarship application due to the JASSO regulations. Apologies for not being able to secure stable budget and scholarship applicable for all type of students. This isn’t a scholarship that a student applies for by himself / herself but a scholarship whose selection procedures of the possible recipients is done by university. The university will inform possible recipients of its details.
Call for applications for Summer Schools 2023
NEW:Extension of application deadline: by Thursday 23rd March 2023 midnight (JST)
This is an announcement of the call for application for Shared Campus Summer Schools 2023.
This year, in June, July and August, 6 programs in total are to be organized all over the world such as in Hong Kong, in Switzerland, in Australia, in Singapore, including a program to be held in Tokyo. As a full partner institution of Shared Campus, a student from Tokyo University of the Arts can apply for a program without distinction of major
For more details such as application procedures, deadline, please refer to the following webpage of Shared Campus.
CALL FOR APPLICATION: Shared Campus Summer Schools 2023 – Shared Campus (
For more details of each program, you can see them from Summer Schools 2023 OPEN CALL, which is also referable from the Shared Campus web page above.
As it is mentioned in the Shared Campus web page, orientations are to be organized twice in February: Wednesday February 8th and Tuesday February 28th. If you have an interest in applying for a program, don’t hesitate to participate its orientations.
It costs no tuition for participating in a program, but the following costs. are at each student’s own expense.
- Travel expenses
- Accommodation expenses
- Living expenses
- Visa fees (whenever applicable)
Still, with regard to the possibility of supporting a part of financial burden of students, as of April 2023, the university is expected to secure JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship, but please note that there are requirements to be a recipient and there are also maximum number of recipients. It is regrettable to inform you that Japanese nationality student and international students whose status of residence is permanent resident are eligible for this scholarship but international students whose status of residence is Student (留学) isn’t applied for this scholarship application due to the JASSO regulations. Apologies for not being able to secure stable budget and scholarship applicable for all type of students. This isn’t a scholarship that a student applies for by himself / herself but a scholarship whose selection procedures of the possible recipients is done by university. The university will inform possible recipients of its details.
Symposium, Forum, Workshop, Art Camp etc.
Recruitment information for art camp “Tropical Lab 17:PLAYGROUND” organized by LASALLE College of the Arts
(Application has already closed on January 16th 2023)
This notice is to inform the Graduate School’s students of the university of the recruitment of an art camp to be organized in Singapore from the end of July 2023 to the beginning of August 2023, during 2 weeks, by LASALLE College of Arts
LASALLE College of the Arts is a full theme partner institution of Shared Campus same as Tokyo University of the Arts. In this art camp, more than 20 student-artists from Institutions invited by LASALLE College of the Arts participate and Singaporean local and international artists also participate in this art camp every year.
The aim of Tropical Lab is to expand the views of the participants, to exchange experiences, and to stimulate creative thinking through a collaborative approach. In addition, to create a positive environment that will stimulate and cultivate minds, imaginations, emotional(intuitive) consciousness and cultural sensibilities of the emerging generation of students of art.
The major which you specialize in currently at Tokyo University of the Arts doesn’t matter.
A graduate school student from Fine Arts, Music, Film and New Media and Global Arts is eligible to apply for this art camp. The candidate who can participate in this art camp from Tokyo University of the Arts is 1 graduate school student in total.
Please note that an undergraduate course student isn’t eligible to apply for this art camp.
When we are oversubscribed, there will be an inner selection of the university.
With regard to Tropical Lab project, a video which records past art camp (13th edition) is on YouTube. If you have an interest in it, please refer to the following URL link to see the referential video.
Tropical Lab 13: Erase – YouTube
*For more details, please be sure to confirm the notification document of the program and the document explaining its contents as well as the conditions to apply for listed on GEIDAI x GLOBAL site of the university.
Program :Tropical Lab 17:PLAYGROUND
Duration:Thursday 20th July 2023 – Thursday 3rd August 2023
Venue:LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally Street, Singapore 187940.
Participants will have a range of studios, galleries and workshop to work in.
Cost:The following fees are covered by LASALLE College of the Arts
•LASALLE will cover all ground costs(accommodation, local travel, meals and reasonable art materials in Singapore.
: A participant is required to pay the following fees (*).
•Participating institutions/students are responsible for their air travel, airport transfers and Participation Fee of S$450.
*There is a possibility that a round trip plane ticket from Japan to Singapore and participation fee might be covered partially by grants offered by Tokyo University of the Arts, but as of December 2022, nothing has been decided with regard to this matter.
Tokyo University of the Arts will contact in a later date a graduate school student, who will have been finally selected as a representative participant of the university regarding this matter. Therefore, please keep your airplane ticket stub and a receipt of participation fee.
Theme of the program :PLAYGROUND
Contents of the program :a series of research, presentations, seminars, dialogues and field trips organized around the theme, participants will have the opportunity to interact and learn from international and Singaporean artists and curators from McNally School of Fine Arts and LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Art Singapore.
The Tropical Lab International Art Camp will culminate with an exhibition at LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Arts
Singapore (ICAS) designated gallery(s). The exhibition will open to the public tentatively on Thurs, 3 Aug 2023.
【Application】 by Monday 16th January 2023 a graduate school student who would like to apply for this art camp is required to first fill in the form and upload an Inner application form of TROPICAL LAB 17: PLAY GROUND (*) in the following Google form to show its intention to participate.
【Program Information・Inner application form】
*TLab 17 – Programme Information
*Inner application form of TROPICAL LAB 17: PLAY GROUND(PDF ・ Word)
In the case there are a large number of applicants, after inner selection of the university, Tokyo University of the Arts will inform a graduate school student who has been selected as a representative participant of the university for this art camp.
A graduate school student who has been selected finally as a representative participant of the university for this project is required to submit by email an application form designated by LASALLE College of the Arts, your CV in English and a scanned data of the page in your passport with your photo on it by 10th February 2023 at the latest to the following two persons at LASALLE College of the Arts in charge of this art camp project.
【Where to apply / Contact persons】
Milenko Prvacki
Senior Fellow
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
Sureni Salgadoe
Assistant Manager, Projects
Office of the President
LASALLE College of the Arts
Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)
International Forum “Art and Sustainability”
Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) is one of the full partner institutions of Shared Campus like Tokyo University of the Arts.
TNUA will organize an international foeum on the theme of “Art and Sustainability” in December 2022.
Online participation from Japan will be welcomed by TNUA and its participation fee is free (but please note that the travel expenses, accommodation and other necessary fees in site are at your expense in case that you would like to participate in the forum not online but in Taipei)
Details and participation registration form is listed below in the announcement of the forum sent from TNUA.
※Language of the forum is Chinese with English translation.
※Time and date of the forum is local time in Taiwan
※If you would like to participate in the forum in site (in Taipei) *travel expenses, accommodation fees and other necessary fees are at your own expense)
Please contact the International Affairs
International Forum for Art and Sustainability: VIP Registration Form
1.Forum Introduction
Global climate change has been the biggest threat to sustainable development in recent years. Many countries have passed laws to achieve net zero by 2050 to solve the climate crisis. Taiwan is also joining the world by officially publishing “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050” this year, aiming to control global warming altogether.
In addition, international performing arts and theatre industries are contributing to energy saving and carbon reduction through Art Climate Initiative. We all believe that climate change is a global crisis for which we all have the responsibility.
Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), the first arts university in Taiwan, is a leading contemporary arts institution in Asia. Marking the 40th anniversary of the university, “TNUA 40th Anniversary : Initiating Art and Sustainability” will conduct an online “TNUA 40th Anniversary Forum: Art and Sustainability” conference in December 2022.
We attempt to invite more than twenty art and culture professionals in Taiwan and overseas to exchange their perspectives on seven issues in a two-day online forum: “Global Sustainable Transformation under the Climate Crisis”; “Sustainable Theatre Operations”; “Sustainable Productions”; “Circular Materials and Design”; “Sustainable Design”; “Sustainable Visual Arts” and “Sustainable Festivals.”
We also intend to explore the potential for art and sustainability, and connect Taiwan with the international cultural and creative industries to broaden the audience’s sustainability knowledge.
2.Forum Information
Date: 2022/12/8(Thu)-12/9(Fri)
[Online participation registration]
[In site]
Venue: 3rd floor, Center for Art and Technology, TNUA (Live on YouTube)
Please confirm your intention to attend before 11/28(Mon.), and fill out the form.
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Thank you for your support and participation, see you in the Forum!
Conversations with … Extractivism
The Conversations with … Extractivism symposium will bring together an ensemble of researchers who explore the notion of ‘extractivism’ across different fields and through a myriad of forms, including (though not limited to):
– Supply chains at the scale of the local and global
– Extractive practices operating at micro and macro levels
– Enterprises that encompass the terrestrial and off-world
– Mining tangible natural resources such as rare earth minerals
– Examining the role of ‘sustainable futures’
– Interrogating scars that cut through the Earth and its inhabitants.
Crucial to considering ‘extractivism’ through these structures is an accountability for Indigenous struggles and propositions for degrowth, resistance, and emancipation.
Conversations with…Extractivism is a hybrid symposium collectively led by Dr Nicholas Mangan, Charity Edwards and Dr Eduardo Kairuz from Monash University’s Faculty of Art Design & Architecture (MADA), as part of the planetary Shared Campus: Critical Ecologies group. It will be hosted in-person at Monash University’s Caulfield Campus and simultaneously online with our international partners in Zurich, Athens, Taipei, London and elsewhere.
Keynote speakers will be Dr Alonso Barros and Dr Susan Schuppli. The full programme will be announced shortly. This event is open to public and free of charge.
Dates: 15 – 16 July 2022
Times (on both days):
4:00 – 9:00am GMT
5:00 – 10:00am London
6:00 – 11:00am Utrecht, Zurich
12:00 – 5:00pm Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore
1:00 – 6:00pm Tokyo
2:00 – 7:00 pm Melbourne
Register link: HERE