【レポート】6/28 (wed) トークイベント『カンボジアのアート、アーティストの現在(いま)』【Report】Talk Event "Art and Artists in Cambodia Today” 6/28 (wed)

July 27, 2023

Prum Ero(写真家、映像作家)、Meta Moeng(キュレーター)と教員・学生を交えたトークイベントが開催されました。

Eroさんが取り組まれているSa Sa Art Projects によって立ち上げられた、カンボジアで初めてのアーティスト専用の写真プリント工房の様子を説明してもらいながら、カンボジアのアーティストたちの現状を教えてもらいました。






Sa Sa Art Projects

Prum Ero, a photographer and filmmaker who is currently in Japan for the Kim Hak’s photography exhibition currently being held in Yokohama, explained about the current state of art and artists in Cambodia, accompanied by curator Meta Moeng, who was also visiting Japan.

While explaining to us about the first photo printing studio in Cambodia exclusively for artists, we were told about the current situation of artists in Cambodia.

The large format printers mentioned in the presentation are very expensive in Cambodia, and it is impossible for artists in Cambodia to purchase them at their own expense.

Therefore, photographers like Mr. Ero have to outsource the development of their own photos to studios in Thailand and Singapore.

Miraculously, Ero’s studio was able to install a Japanese-made large-format printer thanks to the cooperation of a foreign government.

(Japanese-made large format printers are said to be the most popular in Cambodia because of their high quality, and they had a very interesting discussion about the equipment installed at our AMC studio, which they visited before the event.)

Many of the Cambodian photographers’ works had a sense of vitality and dynamism, and we could sense a strong breath of life that will lead the art scene in the future.

Sa Sa Art Projects