【8/9(水)オープンスタジオ開催のお知らせ】Shared Campus Summer School【Wed. 9 Aug Open Studio】Shared Campus Summer School

August 07, 2023

2023. 8. 9. 水 13:30-19:30 | OPEN STUDIO

東京藝術大学は2022年度(令和4年度)からフルパートナーの一員として、国際的なアカデミックプラットフォームであるShared Campusに加盟をしています。Shared CampusのSummer Schoolが東京藝術大学を拠点に開催され、ロンドン、チューリッヒ、香港、台北、シンガポール、東京から30名の学生が約2週間のプログラムに参加しました。



参加|無料 Free

日時|2023/8/9(水)14:00 – 19:30

– 学生会館2階 展示室
国際交流棟 3階 コミュニティサロン


<Summer Program>

Restless in the 1960s: The Tokyo Experience with the Avant-Garde

1960年代、世界中でさまざまな運動や対立が起こり、文化的対立や地域政治から国境を越えた対立まで、あらゆる社会が急速な変化を遂げました。東京は戦後の急速な発展を経て、新しい視点とダイナミズムを持ち、芸術の各分野の実践者たちの強固なネットワークが形成さ れると共に、当時の文化全体が大きく変容していきました。こうした環境から生まれるのは、前衛という考え方や地域性、そして現代の東京におけるコンテンポラリーの概念についての問いの豊饒な場であり、時代のつながりや断絶のすべての可能性を拡大・発展させました。



Jul. 28 Introduction
Jul. 29 ▶️Transformation of the City and Culture in Tokyo: 1960-1970

by Yoshitaka Mori (Sociologist)

▶️Departure New York, Arrival Hong Kong, Via Tokyo / Working with Postwar Japanese art and visual culture From MoMA to M+

by Working with Postwar Japanese art and visual culture From MoMA to M+)

Jul. 30 ▶️Modernism Thereon in Tokyo

by Kaz Yoneda (Bureau 0–1)

Jul. 31 ▶️WORLD CLASSROOM at Mori Art Museum

▶️Talk by Akira Takayama (Dramatist)

▶️SIDECORE (Artist collective) studio visit

Aug. 1 ▶️Reading Joseph Beuys’ blackboard paintings at Tokyo University of the Arts

by Shinya Watanabe (Curator)

Aug. 2 ▶️The Politics of Space in Tokyo Before and After World War

by Kaori Hasegawa (Architect)

▶️Talk and Screening by Masao Adachi (Filmmaker)

Aug. 7 ▶️Arts and Politics in 1960s, Tokyo

by Williams Andrew (Researcher)

▶️Screening “the time is now” by Heidrun Holzfeind (Arrist)



<Shared Campus>

Shared Campusは、欧州、アジア7つの芸術系大学、芸術系学科を持つ総合大学が共同で立ち上げた国際的な教育形態と研究ネットワークのための協力プラットフォームで、地球規模の課題解決にむけて、国境を越えた学術的交流を生み出すことを目的に設立されました。世界的に重要な問題に取り組むには、国境や言語、文化的背景の違いを超えた緊密な協力が不可欠であり、特に芸術は、この点で重要な役割を果たすことができるとされています。 東京藝術大学は2022年度(令和4年度)からフルパートナーの一員としてShared Campusに加盟をしています。

14:00-19:30. 9. Aug. 2023 | OPEN STUDIO

Tokyo University of the Arts has been a member of Shared Campus, an international academic platform, as a full partner since 2022. Shared Campus Summer School is held at Tokyo University of the Arts, and 30 students from London, Zurich, Hong Kong, Taipei, Malaysia, and Tokyo participated in the 2-week program.

The students experienced guest lectures and workshops based on the following themes, and each participating student created a work. Open Studio will be held to share the background and process of the production.

There will also be an open studio tour from 14:00 hrs on the day (1 hour).



date|14:00 – 19:30 Wed. 9 August 2023

venue|Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno
– Gallery, 2nd floor of University Hall
– Community Salon, 3rd floor of Taki Plaza, Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno


<Summer Program>

Restless in the 1960s: The Tokyo Experience with the Avant-Garde

In the 1960s across the world, there were various movements and conflicts, from diverse cultural confrontations and local politics to transnational standoffs, while every society experienced swift changes. Taking Tokyo as an example, it came with a new perspective and dynamic, creating a robust network of practitioners from various fields of the arts and, more broadly, the larger culture of the time after a fast postwar development. What arises in this setting is a fertile field of questions about the idea of the Avant-Garde, as it relates to localities, and the notion of the contemporary in present day Tokyo—expanding on all of the connections and disconnections between these two eras. This summer school will take place in Tokyo considering the uniqueness of the place as a relevant placeholder of sorts. It aims to bring historical consciousness to artistic practice, which inspires our reflections on contemporary societies today.


Jul. 28 Introduction
Jul. 29 ▶️Transformation of the City and Culture in Tokyo: 1960-1970

by Yoshitaka Mori (Sociologist)

▶️Departure New York, Arrival Hong Kong, Via Tokyo / Working with Postwar Japanese art and visual culture From MoMA to M+

by Working with Postwar Japanese art and visual culture From MoMA to M+)

Jul. 30 ▶️Modernism Thereon in Tokyo

by Kaz Yoneda (Bureau 0–1)

Jul. 31 ▶️WORLD CLASSROOM at Mori Art Museum

▶️Talk by Akira Takayama (Dramatist)

▶️SIDECORE (Artist collective) studio visit

Aug. 1 ▶️Reading Joseph Beuys’ blackboard paintings at Tokyo University of the Arts

by Shinya Watanabe (Curator)

Aug. 2 ▶️The Politics of Space in Tokyo Before and After World War

by Kaori Hasegawa (Architect)

▶️Talk and Screening by Masao Adachi (Filmmaker)

Aug. 7 ▶️Arts and Politics in 1960s, Tokyo

by Williams Andrew (Researcher)

▶️Screening “the time is now” by Heidrun Holzfeind (Arrist)



<Shared Campus>

Initiated by seven art institutions and universities having art departments, Shared Campus is a comprehensive cooperation platform for sustainable educational formats, research networks and co-productions. Today, close cooperation between cultures and disciplines is essential for addressing issues of global significance. In particular the arts play an important role in this respect. Shared Campus establishes connections that create added value for students, academics and professionals and enable participants to share and pool knowledge and competencies. The platform is designed along internationally relevant themes and issues, with a focus on transcultural issues and interdisciplinary cooperation. Tokyo University of the Arts has been a full-partner member since April 2022.