マルガリータ・カラトゥイギナ先生講演会「モスクワ音楽院における日本音楽」A Lecture in Japan by Dr. Margarita Ivanovna Karatygina

May 26, 2015




マルガリータ・イヴァーノヴナ・カラトゥイギナ(Margarita Ivanovna Karatygina)










On March 26, 2015, Center for Music Creativity and Advanced Research, Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts, hosted a lecture by Dr. Margarita Karatygina, who talked on Moscow Conservatory and how traditional Japanese music has been accepted at her institute.

Profile of Dr. Karatygina


A musicologist and Head of Scientific and Art Center “World Music Cultures” at Moscow Conservatory. Dr. Karatygina, who is a qualified koto instructor of Ikuta-School, teaches koto and shamisen at Center. She is also engaged in performance at her Japanese music ensemble Wa-On. She has directed various concerts for Center titled Yugao, Gifu-kara-no-kikan, Ichirin-no-hana and Onatsu, and has led a number of traditional Japanese music related projects. While serving as academic adviser for Japan-Russia exchange programs, her activities are not limited to traditional Japanese music. She has organized numerous concerts of other traditional music instruments and ethnic music festivals such as Iranian, Indian, Chinese and Arabian music.


In the mid-70s, Mikhailov Ghivani Konstantinovich, who was a composer, musicologist and professor of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, held a series of lectures on music cultures of different regions, which contributed to the spread of traditional Japanese music at Conservatory. Later, Scientific and Art Center “World Music Cultures” was established by his students and other collaborators, which, up to present, has invited world renowned performers to host concerts.

In 1993, a group of Keiko Iwahori, who is an esteemed koto player and an instructor at Sawai Tadao Koto Institute, held a concert at Conservatory. Subsequently, a class of traditional Japanese music was held for the first time at the strong request of the students. A favorable reputation of the class saw the opening of a master class, which still continues to be held every year.

Three years later, shakuhachi flute player Kohei Shimizu, who is currently teaching at Conservatory, but then was the head of Japan Airlines Moscow Office, joined Conservatory. In 1996, the first traditional Japanese music ensemble in Russia was born. Wa-On, which was established by Dr. Karatygina, is even now the only ensemble of the kind in the country and it performs in various halls in Moscow.

The increase in demand for more specialized research opportunities overlapped with growing interest in the Japanese culture among Russian people, which bore fruit in the form of the first Nihon-no-Kokoro music festival in 1999. This festival invites not only individuals and groups of traditional Japanese music players but also performers from different fields in the Japanese culture. More theatrical plays and dramas have been staged, and in 2014, which marked the 16th anniversary, the festival became so major as to attract approximately 2000 people from adults to children.

At present in Russia, people are generally more interested in and have developed the understanding of traditional Japanese music. Those wishing to conduct research have increasingly started to call for lectures on music culture in Japan by Japanese lecturers. It is an indication that people are willing to learn the traditional side of the Japanese culture rather than its westernized aspects.
