「COMBAZ7 ARTIST IN RESIDENCE」制作展示プロジェクトProduction and Exhibition Project "COMBAZ7 ARTIST IN RESIDENCE"

June 12, 2015




この研修では、ヴァレー州のCrans Montana という街にあるアーティストインレジデンスCOMBAZ7 を拠点とし、主に佐藤時啓教授の『Black box』シリーズの制作を、レジデンス参加メンバー全員で行うプロジェクトとして実施しました。

アルプス山脈のBecs de Bosson(3149m)、Dent Blanche(4357m)、Matterhorn(4478m)、Monte Rosa(4634m)などの名だたる山々を撮影するため、ヴァレー州各地に全員で移動し、佐藤教授は組み立て式カメラオブスクラを用いた制作を行いました。また、佐藤教授以外の参加メンバーは、各々の制作テーマにスイス、アルプスの滞在先、風土を関連づけました。あるメンバーは、スイスの建物や教会などの文化に着目し、レジデンスの各部屋のドアにある鍵穴ピンホールにカメラを作り、青焼き感光紙に鍵穴越しの窓の光を焼きつけた作品や、教会のステンドグラス越しに入る神聖な光と影をそのまま拾い集める様に感光紙に定着した作品などを制作しました。

加えて、COMBAZ7 の主催者Phitsamone Souvanavong氏の計らいにより、3 月27 日にスイス・SIERRE という街のアーティストインレジデンスVilla Ruffieux Residency Program において、各メンバーが約3週間の中で制作した作品について成果発表を行い、好評を博しました。また、それらの作品は、COMBAZ7 に併設されるギャラリーで開催した写真展「SIGHT-SEEING」において、佐藤教授の『Black Box』シリーズに加え、展示されました。
(開催期間:2015 年3 月28 日〜5 月31 日)






Basic Information

Participant(s):Three second year master’s students in Inter-Media Arts Program
Location:Crans Montana, Switzerland
Period:March 8, 2015 – March 31, 2015


In this trip, a project was carried out, based in the artist‑in‑residence program Combaz7 located in Crans Montana, the Canton of Valais, participated by all the residence members, to produce Black Box series by Professor Tokihiro Sato.

We moved altogether to various locations in the canton to take pictures of famous mountains of the Alps including Becs de Bosson(3149m),Dent Blanche(4357m),Matterhorn(4478m) and Monte Rosa(4634m). Prof. Sato used a prefabricated camera obscra and the rest of the participants worked on their own themes which were associated with Switzerland, their Alpine destinations or the natural features. A member focused on the cultural aspects of Switzerland, particularly the architecture and churches. This artist used a keyhole camera to take pictures through a keyhole of each room door in the residence to capture light from a window coming through a keyhole, which was printed off on blueprint photosensitive paper. Also, a photographic artwork was produced in an attempt to collect sacred light and shadow through a stained-glass window in a church, which was printed off onto photosensitive paper.

On March 27th,, thanks to Ms Phitsamone Souvanavong, the director of COMBAZ7, the outcomes of each member over the three-week-period were presented at a residence in Sierre, a village at the foot of Montana, which received a favorable reputation. The photographs were on display along with Prof. Sato’s Black Box series at the gallery of COMBAZ7, in the “SIGHT-SEEING” photo exhibition held from March 28th to May 31st.

Through this stay, I could directly sense and learn the characteristics of the real Alps, the environment and the landscape linked with the culture. Taking in a different culture, every student and teaching staff could expand the possibility of own artistic activities. The photographic works of scenic beauty which we cannot experience in Japan were produced. The difference and the similarity between Japan and Switzerland were recognized through exhibitions and studies we experienced in both countries. What has been achieved there should have a different meaning to each participant, which I assume indicates an answer to the big theme or the question of what a location mean in the context of art.

report016-02Presentation of project outcomes

report016-03 Exhibition at COMBAZ7