[留学生の藝大体験記4]Elena Tutatchikova (美術研究科・先端芸術表現専攻)[My Experience at GEIDAI 4]Elena Tutatchikova (Graduate school of fine arts)

August 04, 2015


Name, Department, Home country and city, Duration

Elena Tutatchikova (エレナ・トゥタッチコワ)

Department of Intermedia Art
Russia, Moscow
From October, 2012

Why did you choose Geidai as your study abroad destination?


Before I started studying in Tokyo University of the Arts, my field of research was visual art practices in Prewar Japan, particularly, my research interest focused on comparative history of photography in Japan, Manchuria and Europe. The main reason why I chose Intermedia Art Department of Tokyo University of the Arts was because I wanted to continue my research under the guidance of my professor. Another reason why I chose Intermedia Art is that in this department I can equally do my research as well as photography and video work.

What do you study at Geidai?


Mainly I study photography and video art.


Please write a message for students wishing to study in Japan.


When you study abroad, time goes by much faster than you expected. Half a year passes like one day, and one year like one week. Maybe it is possible to plan your work after you came to Japan, but I think it is better if you have already researched about what you will do. But even so, you can do what is possible in your country any time later on. When you are studying abroad, maybe it is good to avoid practices you are already experienced in and environments which are safe and convenient for you, and try to do something new. Go outside as much as possible and see everything with your own eyes.
