ACRL(アジアン・キャラバン・リサーチ・ラボ) ワークショップin東アジアAsian Caravan Research Lab(ACRL )workshop in East Asia

September 04, 2015


研修者:音楽研究科音楽文化学専攻 博士3名、修士2名、音楽学部音楽環境創造科 学部1名
研修先:台北(台湾)Mangasick / 香港(中国)the Coming Society / ソウル(韓国)the Book soceity / 東京(日本)東京芸術大学千住キャンパス / 沖縄(日本) barrack
研修期間:平成27年2月27日 ~ 平成27年3月28日


「Asian Caravan Research Lab(ACRL)ワークショップin東アジア」では、各都市を実際に訪問し、参加者の研究テーマに関係するフィールドワークを行い、それぞれの都市で、専門的な研究者・アーティストを招いた合同のワークショップを開催しました。











Basic Information

Participant(s): 3 Doctoral students and 2 Master’s students in the Musicology and Music Studies Course, and an undergraduate student majoring in the Musical Creativity and the Environment
Location:”Mangasick” Taipei, Taiwan /”the Coming Society” Hong Kong, China /”the Book society” Seoul, South Korea / “Senju Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts”, Tokyo, Japan/ “barrack” Okinawa, Japan
Period: February 27, 2015 –March 28, 2015


In“Asian Caravan Research Lab (ACRL) workshop in East Asia” a group of researchers and artists visited some cities, did fieldwork related to research themes of the participants and held collaborative workshops inviting local specialists and artists.

In Taipei, under the theme of “Between the subculture and the alternative”, a workshop was held in collaboration with Taiwanese specialists, musicians and artists. Prior to the workshop, the participants took part in a music festival in Taipei, where we gained a hands-on experience of the current state of music culture in East Asia including the historical background of the region.

In Hong Kong, the workshop themed “Transmission: Media and politics in Asia” was implemented which dealt with the relation between politics and arts in Asia with the focus on the Umbrella Revolution. We visited the front of Legislative Council Building to gain a deeper knowledge of the potential effects of art and media in social movements.

In Seoul, with a theme of “Be independent: the book shop in Seoul and Japan”, a workshop was carried out on music scene and art-led spaces developing in the context of urban planning, Visiting around ten alternative exhibition spaces accompanied by local researchers was a part of fieldwork and we managed to have a number of interviews.

As many as 130 participants with various research backgrounds and art contexts were involved in our workshops and exchanged opinions.

Undertaking fieldwork outside of Japan led the students to see the actual situation of individual research field and expand research area. As a result of discussions with local researchers, we learned the latest research trend from the global point of view and created a network of international researchers.

We expect that the personal network established through these workshops will promote more international and more academic discussions in the near future.

report30-0203(Left) Fieldwork in Hong Kong, (Right)Workshop in Seoul

report30-04Workshop in Tokyo