アンヌ・グラヴォワン フランス首相夫人の来学Ms. Anne Gravoin, wife of French Prime Minister, visited Tokyo University of the Arts

October 07, 2015


グラヴォワン夫人は、フランス国立パリ高等音楽学院(コンセルヴァトワール)のヴァイオリン科および室内楽科をPremier prix a l’ unanimite(満場一致の一等賞)で卒業された演奏家であり、現在は音楽関係の会社社長としても活躍されています。今回の本学訪問は、「この機会に日本のコンセルヴァトワールを視察したい」との夫人の御要望に本学がお応えする形で実現したもので、本学の渡辺健二教育担当理事と澤和樹音楽学部長の先導でキャンパスを回り、音楽学部の主要施設と教員・学生による演奏および授業風景を御視察いただきました。






On October 5, Ms. Anne Gravoin, wife of the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who is on his official visit to Japan, visited Tokyo University of the Arts.

Ms. Gravoin is an accomplished violinist who graduated from the Paris Conservatory with the first prize (Premier prix a l’unanimite) in violin and chamber music. She is also an entrepreneur in the music business. To meet the request of Ms. Gravoin that she wished to visit a Japanese conservatory, we respectfully welcomed and arranged for her a campus tour guided by Professor Kenji Watanabe, the Education Trustee, and Professor Kazuki Sawa, the Dean of the Faculty of Music. The tour group visited our major music facilities, where music performances by the students and a class visit were offered.

The tour group first visited a class of shamisen practice, where she showed a high degree of interest by asking questions about the traditional instrument, musical scores and tones.

Then they visited the Sogakudo Concert Hall, where they listed to a pipe organ performance by a student. After the performance, Ms. Gravoin walked to the pipe organist, shook his hands, and gave comments on the performance. She was carefully listening to the student’s explanation about the instrument and programs for pipe organ music.

Lastly, they moved to the sixth hall, which was refurbished last year, and were greeted by other music students. Seiji Okamoto, a third-year students and the winner of the 2014 International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition, played violin, and six students from the affiliated senior high school of music offered four-handed piano performances. Also, a string orchestra music conducted by Professor Sawa regaled the audience.

Ms. Gravoin stayed at the university much longer than initially planned despite her busy schedule packed with official duties. Highly satisfied with the class visit and music performances by our students, she expressed the words of appreciation to each one of the people involved, and left the campus for her next destination.

Tokyo University of the arts expects that this visit by Ms. Gravoin will lead us to a more increased exchange and collaboration with the Republic of France and the French Embassy in Japan, rather than a temporary event.