オランダ王国マルク・ルッテ首相の来学Mr. Marc Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands visited Tokyo University of the Arts
November 13, 2015
去る11月9日、オランダ王国のマルク・ルッテ首相およびオランダ芸術科学保存協会 (NICAS;Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science)※1の会長であるロバート・ファン・ラング博士らが東京藝術大学を来訪し、宮田亮平学長を代表とする本学教員陣と、文化財の保存修復や芸術と科学との融合に係る連携体制構築に向けた会談を行いました。
※1 NICAS:2015年9月25日に文化財保全の促進を目的に設立された、自然科学と美術史学、保存および修復とを統合する研究センター。従来の研究に、化学・物理学の専門知識および情報通信技術(ICT)等、最新の科学技術の新たな可能性を結びつけた学際的なアプローチを行う。オランダ科学研究機構(NWO)、アムステルダム国立美術館、アムステルダム大学(UvA)、オランダ文化遺産局(RCE)およびデルフト工科大学(TU Delft)の協力のもとに成り立っている。
本学・上野キャンパスを訪れたルッテ首相は、多くの学生・教職員や邦楽の調べによる出迎えに満面の笑みで応えつつ、会場である本学・産学官連携棟Arts & Science LAB.に入られました。
会談後、マルク・ルッテ首相はArts & Science LAB.を視察され、本学が有する卓越した保存修復技術や壁画複製特許技術、科学と芸術との融合による新しい表現を自らの目で確認され、大変感銘を受けられた様子でした。
Dutch Prime Minister Marc Rutte, along with other visitors from the Netherlands including Dr. Robert van Langh, Chairperson of The Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science (NICAS) *1, paid a visit to Tokyo University of the Arts on November 12,2015. The group of the university faculty members represented by President Ryohei Miyata welcomed them to hold a talk with a view to establishing a collaboration in the areas of conservation of cultural assets and harmonization of art and science.
*1 The Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science (NICAS) is a research center which was established on September 25, 2015 to bring together art history, conservation and restoration with the natural sciences, with the aim of improving the preservation of cultural heritage. This interdisciplinary approach taken by NICAS connects existing research with chemistry and physics expertise, as well as with ICT and other new possibilities enabled by cutting-edge technologies. The center works in cooperation with the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Rijksmuseum (RM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
On arrival, Prime Minister Rutte was awaited by a large group of students and staff members with welcoming traditional Japanese music. He entered the Arts & Science LAB. with a big smile on his face.
President Miyata welcomed Mr. Rutte by saying that the visit by the Dutch Prime Minister and the NICAS members marked an everlasting milestone in the history of Tokyo University of the Arts. He emphasized his belief that this bilateral collaboration is very attractive to the university and that the university is ready to pave the way for a long-standing relationship of collaboration with the Netherlands in the areas of conservation and development of art and culture.
Prime Minister Rutte expressed his expectations for the collaboration by saying that NICAS proved the unification of art history, science and business would bear many beneficial outcomes and that he was looking forward for his institution to collaborate in such promising areas with the top Japanese counterpart. He then exchanged a firm handshake with President Miyata to confirm the commencement of the world’s top-class international collaboration.
After the talk, Prime Minister Rutte toured the Arts & Science LAB. He looked highly impressed to witness the technology of excellence for art conservation and restoration as well as the patented reproduction technique for mural paintings that the University owns, and brand new forms of expression realized by an amalgamation of art and science.
Premier Rutte listening to Professor Miyasako explaining reproduction techniques and processes
Premier Rutte touching a high-definition reproduction of a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh
The visit was concluded by exchange of gifts between Prime Minister Rutte and President Miyata. Tokyo University of the Arts is determined to design and promote specific programs for collaboration in a prompt and steady manner with a belief that this collaborative relationship will surely be of great benefit to the two institutions and also to the development of culture on a global basis.
Premier Rutte receiving a high-definition reproduction of a piece of the mural paintings at Horyuji Temple’s Kondo which has been restored with the university’s patented digital technology.
President Miyata with an Arita cup and saucer, offered by Premier Rutte
On leaving the campus, Premier Rutte kept waving his hand