NICASによる藝大の視察および今後の具体的連携についてA campus tour and a follow-up meeting with NICAS

November 20, 2015

11月9日に開催された、オランダ王国のマルク・ルッテ首相およびオランダ芸術科学保存協会(NICAS;Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science) ※1と宮田亮平学長を代表とする本学教員陣との、文化財の保存修復や芸術と科学との融合に係る連携体制構築に向けた会談にあわせ、その当日および翌日の2日間にわたり、NICAS役員らによる本学の工芸および保存修復等に関する研究室の視察が行われました。

※1NICAS:2015年9月25日に文化財保全の促進を目的に設立された、自然科学と美術史学、保存および修復とを統合する研究センター。従来の研究に、化学・物理学の専門知識および情報通信技術(ICT)等、最新の科学技術の新たな可能性を結びつけた学際的なアプローチを行う。オランダ科学研究機構(NWO)、アムステルダム国立美術館、アムステルダム大学(UvA)、オランダ文化遺産局(RCE)およびデルフト工科大学(TU Delft)の協力のもとに成り立っている。

NICASからは、会長のロバート・ファン・ラング博士(アムステルダム国立美術館 保存修復部長)の他、ルイ・フェルテハール博士(オランダ科学研究機構(NWO) 化学・自然科学部門長)、ヨリス・ディック博士(デルフト工科大学准教授)らが視察に参加され、本学の漆芸(保存工芸)、鋳金、保存修復日本画、Arts & Science LAB.、彫金、鍛金、保存科学の領域において、学生達が実習作業をしている様子にあわせて、各研究室所属の教員から学技術的な話や教育内容について説明を受けました。


report040-03(左:保存修復日本画研究室、右:Arts & Science LAB. 1F)

report040-04(左:Arts & Science LAB. 2F、右:彫金研究室)







The members of the Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science (NICAS)*1 toured our craft and restoration studios and laboratories on November 9 and 10, 2015, which took place subsequent to the talk between Dutch Prime Minister Marc Rutte with the NICAS officials and our faculty members represented by President Ryohei Miyata, where collaboration in the areas of conservation of cultural assets and harmonization of art and science was discussed.

*1 The Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science (NICAS) is a research center which was established on September 25, 2015 to bring together art history, conservation and restoration with the natural sciences, with the aim of improving the preservation of cultural heritage. This interdisciplinary approach taken by NICAS connects existing research with chemistry and physics expertise, as well as with ICT and other new possibilities enabled by cutting-edge technologies. The center works in cooperation with the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Rijksmuseum (RM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).※1

The participants of the tour included Dr. Robert van Langh, Chairperson of NICAS and Head of Conservation and Restoration at the Rijksmuseum, Dr. Louis Vertegaal, Director Physical Science Department at Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NOW) and Dr. Joris Dik of Delft University of Technology. They visited the conservation studios for Urushi art and Japanese painting and the studios for metal casting, metal curving and metal hammering as well as the laboratory for conservation science and the Arts & Science LAB. While the NICAS delegation toured the workshops where the students were actually working, the respective faculty members explained the curriculum and their academic and technical areas of interest.

report040-02Urushi Studio(left) and Metal Casting Studio(right)

report040-03Japanese Painting (Conservation) Studio (left) and Arts & Science LAB. 1F (right)

report040-04Arts & Science LAB. 2F (left) and Metal Curving Studio (right)

report040-05Metal Hammering Studio(left) and(Conservation Science Studio(right)

Shortly after the talk between Prime Minister Rutte of the Netherlands and President Miyata, a follow-up meeting was arranged to define specific areas of collaboration during which an introductory video of the projects undertaken by NICAS was shown and policies to be developed were discussed.


In the meeting, Dr. van Langh made a personal comment that he was able to confirm that Tokyo University of the Arts, which has both traditional and modern methodologies entirely embodies what NICAS values as an organization. “We know better how to restore art pieces, if we have actually made one or learnt how it was made” he added. The participants agreed that collaboration in various fields would be possible between the two equivalent organizations of NICAS and Tokyo University of the Arts, which deal with and promote multiple areas including production techniques in different art fields, conservation and restoration of art works and new forms of art expression supported by cutting-edge technologies.

We presented the Dutch partners with high-definition reproductions of a piece of the mural paintings at Horyuji Temple’s Kondo. They were same but smaller reproductions of what Premier Rutte had received. The follow-up meeting which became the starting point for future collaboration was drawn to a successful conclusion with a promise of a proximate visit by the university members to the Netherlands.
