[留学生の藝大体験記10] 李艶梅(美術研究科・文化財保存学保存修復日本画専攻)[My Experience at GEIDAI 10]Li Yanmei(Graduate school of fine arts)
March 03, 2016
Name, Department, Home country and city, Duration
李艶梅 文化財保存学保存修復日本画 中国の山東省 博士3年生
Name : Li Yanmei
Affiliation: Japanese Painting Conservation Studio (3rd Year Doctoral Student)
Hometown: Shandong, China
Why did you choose Geidai as your study abroad destination?
Mineral pigments or art creation using the pigments led me to Geidai. When I was a student of mineral painting in China, I was exposed to materials and expressions used in Japanese painting. I became interested to know what Japanese mineral painting students who share the same Asian culture are thinking and aiming to express. I wished to gain hands-on experience, rather than being told by someone who knew about the topic.
What did you do to prepare yourself for studying abroad to Japan?
I had learned the Japanese language before coming to Japan.
What do you study at Geidai?
I belong to the Japanese painting conservation studio, where I conduct research on classical paintings, and learn restoration and the mounting of such paintings. I work on contemporary pieces too. Therefore, my study covers from classical to contemporary art.
What do you like about Geidai?
Thanks to Geidai’s Japanese art education, I have come to understand expressions used in contemporary Japanese paintings, and learned how to conduct research on classical paintings as well as conservation/restoration techniques. It has expanded my horizons.
What are the things that impressed you or surprised you in Japan?
I find it quite surprising that people fall asleep on a train, whether they are standing or being seated.
What are your future goals?
After completion of the program, I wish to conduct research on painting art back in China.
Please write a message for students wishing to study in Japan.
It is interesting to look for differences between two countries from the same culture, from the view point of art, in particular.