芸術アニメーションの⾳楽制作(国際共同制作の新たな展開)Producing Music for artistic animation(Development in international co-production)

September 23, 2016


研修者:音楽学部音楽環境創造科 大学院音楽研究科音響創造専攻修士学生 計7名


本事業の背景には、2015年度5月〜6月に國立台南大學 動畫媒體設計研究所(National University of Tainan Graduate Institute of Animation and Multimedia Design)が制作するアニメーションの音楽とサウンドデザインを西岡研究室で担当し、3作品を共同制作したプロジェクトの実績があります。これは、Skypeによる共同制作の試みで、これまでも国内では直接の打ち合わせを補完する目的で使われてきましたが、本事業によって、藝大×台南大共同制作プロジェクトの制作プロセスと完成度の検証が可能となり、インターネット共同制作の方法論を確立するという大きな成果をあげることができました。


また、歴史ある台南市や台南大学訪問によって、学生達は普段とは異なる多くの知見を得ることができました。台南大學 動畫媒體設計研究所の学生達と一対一で4コマ漫画を作成し、時間に制限のある中で、それに音をつけるというワークショップを行いました。言葉だけでなく、文化と芸術の幅広い教養がいかにコミュニケーションに必要であるかを実感させる貴重な体験となりました。








Basic Information

Participants:Seven master’s students in Creativity of Music and Sound
Location:Tainan, Taiwan
Period:Sept.12-15, 2015


In this project, the participating students visited the National University of Tainan in Tainan, the oldest city of Taiwan, where they were able to obtain diverse knowledge that is different from what they usually learn at home. They were paired with the students of the National University of Tainan Graduate Institute of Animation and Multimedia Design to work on creating four frame strip cartoons accompanied by music within a limited time frame. From this experience, the participants learned that, in addition to foreign languages, a broad knowledge of culture and art is essential for global communication.

Prior to this project in Taiwan, back in May and June, 2015, a group supervised by Professor Nishioka provided music and sound design for animation films created by the Taiwanese Graduate Institute of Animation and Multimedia Design, and a total of three films were co-produced. It was a trial project through Skype, which was used as a complementary means of communication for face-to-face meetings in Japan. This project in Taiwan allowed the team to verify the process and integrity of the online co-production project between Tokyo University of the Arts and National University of Tainan Graduate Institute of Animation and Multimedia Design and to establish a methodology of co-production using the Internet.

Based on this achievement, the Creativity of Music and Sound course will plan to develop and implement international co-production projects with animation laboratories at art universities around the world, where selected students can gain experiences as undergraduate students.


