「台湾・日本 現代絵画の未来と可能性」The Future and Potential of Taiwanese and Japanese Contemporary Painting

October 21, 2016


台湾と日本は、共に東アジアに位置した島であり、自然に恵まれた土地を有しています。その風土の中に息づいた自然崇拝や仏教、道教、儒教などと交差し、また西洋の文化と融合しながら、それぞれ独自の美意識を創造し、現在に受け継がれています。本企画は、「台湾・日本 現代絵画の未来と可能性」と題し、台湾と日本、それぞれの伝統的な絵画表現の独自性に焦点を当てるとともに、東アジアとしての地域性の共通点と、表現様式のグローバルな発展の可能性を検証することを目的としました。台湾の文化や美意識を背景に、新たな絵画表現を試み活動している若手作家7名、日本の日本画、油画の若手作家6名の作品発表を通して、現代の台湾、日本の美術を紹介しました。

シンポジウムには、多数の方が参加され大盛況のうちに幕を閉じ、引き続き開催されたレセプションパーティには台湾文化部政務次長(副大臣)楊子葆様、台北駐日経済文化代表処代表 謝長廷様、台湾文化センター長 朱文清様にも出席いただきました。台湾からも出品アーティストが駆けつけ、有意義な文化交流が行われました。





The Spotlight Taiwan Project is a new project of art and cultural exchanges that has been co-organized since 2013 by Tokyo University of the Arts and the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan. It has the aims of exploring possibilities of new artistic expressions, nurturing artists of the next generation, promoting cultural exchanges, and raising awareness of the Taiwanese culture. The project marked the 4th anniversary in 2016, and an exhibition of paintings featuring young Japanese and Taiwanese artists were held along with a related symposium.

Both Taiwan and Japan are islands located in East Asia and blessed with rich nature. The two cultures have developed their unique senses of beauty, which have been inherited up to the present, as a result of interacting with various factors within each cultural context including natural worship, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, while fusing with Western culture. Titled as “The Future and Potential of Taiwanese and Japanese Contemporary Painting”, this exhibition placed a focus on the traditional expressions of Japanese and Taiwanese paintings, while aiming to examine the features of East Asia shared by the two islands and possible global development of their artistic expressions. The exhibition introduced contemporary paintings of Japan and Taiwan, featuring seven young Taiwanese artists who have the background of the Taiwanese culture and aesthetics and are also experimenting with new expressions in their artistic activities, as well as six young Japanese artists of Japanese and oil painting.

Furthermore, the symposium, which were participated by numerous guests, ended with a great success, and the following reception received additional guests including Dr. Yang Tzu-pao (楊子葆), Deputy Minister of Culture, Mr. Frank Hsieh (謝長廷), Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, and Zhu Wenquin (. In addition, the reception was joined by the Taiwanese exhibitors, who contributed to facilitating meaningful exchanges of culture.




Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts, Ministry of Culture of Taiwan
Planned by Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
Cooperation with Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan
Supported by Taito Ward
Funding support from Interchange Association (Japan) Taipei Office