「Global Homecoming 2016」フォーラムの開催Global Homecoming Forum 2016

March 10, 2017

12月20日、Arts & Science LAB. 4階にて「Global Homecoming 2016」の一環として、本学に留学経験があり、現在母国の芸術系大学で教鞭を執る元留学生の教員6名を迎え、「藝大で学ぶということ」をテーマとするフォーラムを開催しました。


(左)開会の挨拶をする三田村学長特命  /(右)藝大の国際交流の近況を紹介する井谷特任教授

Nipan ORANNIWESNA講師は「藝大は伝統を守ってきた上で、現代的なものとのバランスもとれていると思う。Arts & Science LAB.などの見学を通じてこの思いが強くなり、これからもっと藝大が面白くなりそうだと思った」と語り、自分が教鞭を執る大学でもこの価値観を取り入れていきたいと意欲を示しました。


Rosaria IAZZETTA教授はヨーロッパ域内外を結ぶ交流プログラム「エラスムス+」活用を提案するとともに、「アーティスト・批評家など全体のネットワークづくりのために、国際会議開催へ動きたい」と意欲を示しました。
Maung Maung Zaw Htet教授からは「教育的要素を含んだコンサートのプロデュースの仕方を藝大から学んで自国で実践したい」「学生に限らず教員を含めた交換留学を行いたい」といった展望が語られました。
また、今回「Global Homecoming 2016」開催に合わせて招聘した「大学の世界展開力」の協力相手先大学の学生らに本事業への参加を通じて感じたことを含めて意見を求めると「藝大には自分専用のスペースで、時間をふんだんに使って制作ができる環境がある」といった評価や「もっと学生を取り込んで国際交流をしてほしい」といった要望がありました。








Maung Maung Zaw Htet


最後に、「藝大で学んだ留学生が本国に戻って教育活動をされているということは本学にとって宝です。ローカルとグローバルの間で芸術が果たす役割は大きく、藝大が果たすべき使命は日本に限らず世界においても大きくなっていくと思います。同時に、皆さんの大学が持つ役割も大きくなっていくと思います。そして今回のこの小さな交流が大きな役割になっていくと思います。この『Global Homecoming』がこれからも長く続き、お互いに頑張っていけるようにしていきたいと考えています」との長嶌グローバルサポートセンター運営委員会副委員長の挨拶でフォーラムは幕を閉じました。


On December 20, 2016, a forum to discuss the theme of “Studying abroad at Geidai (TUA)” took place, as part of the Global Homecoming 2016 event, on the 4th floor of the Arts & Science LAB. The discussants were six former international students who now teach at art institutions in their home countries.

“Welcome back!” The forum opened with the welcome words of Professor Arisumi Mitamura, who serves as the executive assistant to the President in charge of international exchanges and overseas students. Professor Mitamura continued ” TUA, which will mark the 130th anniversary next year, needs to take proactive approaches to strengthen the ties with its alumni and partner institutions so that it can further develop. This is why we organized “Global Homecoming 2016” to increase communication with former international students, who are now actively working all over the world, thereby establishing a sustained network of people”. Following the explanation by Project Professor Yoshie Itani of the Global Support Center on the current situation of international exchanges at TUA, the discussion on the four sub-themes began.

Left: Prof. Mitamura delivering opening remarks
Right: Prof. Itani talking about current international exchanges at TUA

Sub-theme 1: Meaning of studying at Geidai
In this session, the discussants talked about the significance of studying at TUA as international students.
Lecturer Nipan Oranniwesna commented that TUA is well balanced in terms of maintaining traditional aspects and assimilating modern aspects. He said that after visiting its latest facilities such as Arts & Science LAB., he was convinced that TUA would be more and more exciting. Lecturer Oranniwesna showed a willingness to take in the value possessed by TUA for the university he is currently teaching.
Associate professor Hsi-Te Sung admitted that he was quite shocked at the level of student works when he first visited TUA’s design department, and said that the shock made him study even harder. He showed an expectation that TUA would keep serving as a leader of art universities in the Asian region.

Sub-theme 2: Importance of studying abroad
The second discussion covered the significance of studying abroad in general.
Professor Juhan Kwon explained that he came to study at TUA because he wanted to learn traditional metal casting techniques that were lost in his country. “I made the greatest efforts in my life when I took the entrance examinations for the master’s and doctoral programs, as I needed to have special knowledge including technical terms. To me, these efforts were the very significance of studying abroad. ” he recalled.
Professor Qiurong Cheng said “I came to study in Japan after becoming a teacher in my home country. During my days as a research student at TUA, I focused on creating art works from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. I learned various techniques which were different from what were available back in China, and what I gained through this experience meant a lot to me”.

Sub-theme3: Engagements and Collaborations with Geidai (TUA)
In the third session, the discussants made proposals on how to promote international exchanges with TUA as the academic staff members of their respective institutions.
Professor Rosaria Iazzetta proposed the use of “Erasmus+”, the EU’s exchange program that links countries both in and out of Europe. She also showed a willingness to start organizing an international conference with a view to establishing a general network of artists and critics.
Professor Maung Maung Zaw Htet talked about his vision to learn from TUA how to produce a concert that includes educational elements and actually hold such concerts in his home country. He also said that he is willing to have exchange programs not only for students but also for faculty staff.

In addition, students from some of the institutions that TUA partnered with under the Re-inventing Japan project, who were also invited to Global Homecoming, were asked their opinions and impressions about their participation in the event. A student said “TUA has an environment where students can spend plenty of time to work in the space individually allotted to them”. Another student requested that TUA should involve students more in its international exchange activities.

Sub-theme 4: Proposals for Geidai
Many proposals were made during this session that TUA should work more with overseas institutions. One proposed way was direct human exchanges, where TUA implements exchange programs to promote mutual learning of different cultures, or holds events for students and former students from different countries to mingle with TUA students. Other opinions included that TUA should hold graduation exhibitions overseas as well, where local students can be inspired and encouraged by TUA students’ works. Furthermore, there were some requests for improving administrative procedures such as more prompt issuing of graduate certificate.

Nipan ORANNIWESNA, Bangkok University, Thailand

Hsi-Te SUNG, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan

Juhan KWON, Daegu University, South Korea

Qiurong CHEN, Beijing City University, China

Rosaria IAZZETTA , Naples Academy of Fine Arts, Italy

Maung Maung Zaw Htet, National University of Arts and Culture(Yangon), Myanmar

When all the sessions were over, TUA’s Vice President Wataru Mitsui thanked the participants for giving many opinions. He showed an expectation that TUA would serve as a place where new things would be created through collaboration with overseas partner universities, rather than learning from them one-sidedly.

The forum was concluded with a speech by Professor Hiroyuki Nagashima, who is also a representative of the Global Support Center. “TUA treasures the international students who studied at TUA and are now engaged in educational activities in their home countries. Art plays an important role in between “local” and “global”, and accordingly, TUA will be required to accomplish larger missions not only in Japan but also in the world. At the same time, your universities will also be expected to play larger roles. I assume this exchange event, though it is still small, will also play a bigger role in the future. TUA will see to it that the Global Homecoming event will continue for a long time, allowing us to stay committed to making combined efforts”.