ミャンマー国立文化芸術大学訪問Visit to National University of Arts and Culture in Myanmar

April 21, 2017

2017年2月21日から 25日にかけて、三田村有純学長特命、音楽学部楽理科植村教授他の一団がミャンマー国立文化芸術大学を訪問しました。


ヤンゴン、マンダレーの2箇所に分置する同大学は、それぞれに音楽、美術、演劇、映像の4分野の専攻を有しています。特にヤンゴン校は、本学作曲専攻の修了生であるMaung Maung Zaw Htet氏が音楽学部長を、本学楽理科にて博士号を取得したSu Zar Zar tay Yee氏が講師を務めるなど、本学との間に太い人の繋がりがあります。

ヤンゴン校ではMaung Maung Zaw Htet音楽学部長が指揮する National University of Arts and Culture Orchestraによる歓迎を受けました。同楽団は弦楽器、打楽器、ミャンマーの伝統楽器を専攻する学生による大規模編成の楽団で、ミャンマーの伝統曲を含む多様な楽曲の演奏に励んでいます。学内での教育・研究活動に留まらず、学外に開かれた楽団となるべく日々練習に励んでいます。




A group of TUA delegates including Prof. Arisumi Mitamura, the Executive Assistant to the President, and Prof. Yukio Uemura of the Department of Musicology visited the National University of Arts and Culture in Myanmar for the period from Feb. 21 to Feb. 25, 2017.

The Burmese university is one of the partner institutions for the Inter-University Exchange Project (ASEAN), a national project by the Japanese education ministry that was adopted at TUA in 2016. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the methods of implementation for the exchange programs between the two institutions including a project planned by Prof. Uemura. During the meeting, Prof. Uemura, who had been asked to provide assistance to the planned establishment of a musicology department at the National University of Arts and Culture, replied that he would extend as much support as possible to the Burmese partner.

The National University of Arts and Culture has two campuses in Yangon and Mandalay, both of which have the programs of music, fine arts, dramatic art, and cinematography and drama. The Yangon campus particularly has a strong human connection with TUA; Prof. Maung Maung Zaw Htet who serves as the Music Dean is an alumnus of our composition program and lecturer Su Zar Zar tay Yee received a doctoral degree in musicology from TUA.

At the Yangon campus, the TUA delegates were welcomed by the National University of Arts and Culture Orchestra conducted by Prof. Maung Maung Zaw Htet. The orchestra, which is composed of a large number of students who study string instruments, percussion instruments, and traditional Burmese instruments, performs various types of music including Burmese traditional music. The members are working hard on their studies and research both on and off campus, as their orchestra aims to widely contribute to the society in general.

At the Yangon Campus

The TUA delegates inspected classes of different programs at the Mandalay campus. The campus hosts spacious buildings, where the students are learning music or arts without spatial constraint. Traditional Burmese music and dance are two focused areas at Mandalay.

At the Mandalay Campus