ウォルター・マッシー シカゴ美術館附属美術大学顧問による澤学長への表敬訪問A Visit by Chancellor Walter Massey from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

May 29, 2017





学長室での懇談の後、マッシー氏は、本学 Arts & Science LAB.で現在開催中の「Study of BABEL」展を見学されました。本展は、東京都美術館で開催中のボイマンス美術館所蔵ブリューゲル「バベルの塔」展(本学COI拠点特別協力)に合わせ、関連企画として開催されています(協力:ボイマンス美術館、東京都美術館、朝日新聞社、オランダ芸術科学保存協会(NICAS)、デルフト工科大学、 株式会社映像センター)。クローン文化財という高精細複製画の制作、拡大、動画化、立体化、音楽との融合など、一枚の絵画を様々な形に変化させ、複眼的視点で作品に迫る新しい展示の形を提示する本学の挑戦に、マッシー氏は感嘆し、賞賛の言葉を述べられました。


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On May 22, 2017, President Sawa received a visit by Dr. Walter Massey of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), who formerly served as President and now sits as Chancellor of the school.

SAIC is one of the partner institutions of the Global Art Practice (GAP) program. Launched in 2016 at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, the program offers the Global Art Curriculum in concert with some of the world’s leading art institutions. Last year, students from GAP and SAIC collaborated in carrying out research and producing artworks to exhibit their outcomes at SAIC’s galleries. Chancellor Massey and President Sawa both appreciated the partnership between the two institutions and confirmed their intention to continue with the collaborative art practice.

During the meeting, President Sawa referred to the successful fundraising campaign for the celebration of SAIC’s 150th Anniversary. He learned about the campaign in December 2016 when he visited SAIC as part of his trip to Chicago to attend the Midwest Clinic’s annual conference, one of the largest instrument music education conference in the world. He said that TUA should learn from SAIC’s experience, as TUA itself will hold an event this year to celebrate its 130th anniversary. President Sawa and Chancellor Massey then actively exchanged information and opinions on university management, including fundraising efforts at both institutions, while touching on cultural and institutional differences between Japan and the United States.

When Chancellor Massey asked about circumstances surrounding student enrollment in art schools in Japan, President Sawa replied that Japanese art schools in general had been seeing a decline in applicants, noting the fall in the number of children and the shrinking job market as contributing factors. He went on to say that, amidst such circumstances, TUA had implemented the Early Childhood Education program for school age children across Japan who aspire to be professional musicians in the future. Prof. Hibino, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, who was also present at the meeting, added that the university had just started a new undertaking where art education and welfare were combined together to encourage social participation by the elderly and people with disabilities through collaboration with artists.

Following the meeting in the President’s office, Chancellor Massey was invited to see a special exhibition called “Study of Babel” at the Arts & Science LAB., which was realized with the support of Museum Boijmans, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, The Asahi Shimbun Company, Netherlands Institute for Conservation Art and Science (NICAS), Delft University of Technology, and Audio Visual Communications Ltd. It is an affiliated project of the exhibition that is currently on display at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, The Collection of Museum Oijmans Van Beuningen Brugel’s “The Tower of Babel” and the Great 16th Century Masters, for which TUA’s COI Site provided special support.

Chancellor Massey seemed highly impressed by TUA’s multifaceted approach to staging exhibitions in new, innovative ways by reproducing art as “cloned” cultural property using high-definition digital data, where an artwork is sometimes enlarged, animated, 3D-modelled, or combined with music.

TUA will continue to promote a variety of education programs and research projects with global perspectives by collaborating with its partners around the world.