音楽学部 海外からの先生方02:ヴィルヘルム カルロス サンダース教授 (カールスルーエ音楽大学教授)Guests from Overseas to the Faculty of Music 02: Wilhelmus Karolus Sanders

July 10, 2017


氏名:ヴィルヘルム・カルロス・サンダース(Wilhelmus Karolus Sanders)

ドイツの著名オーケストラで首席奏者を務め、ショルティ、マゼール、クライバー、メータ、バレンボイム 等、世界的指揮者と共演し高い評価を得た。ドイツ国内のオーケストラやウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 から助演依頼を受ける。CD録音や放送録音も多く、ジャーマン・ブラス 、リノス・アンサンブル 等の室内楽にも参加。ヨーロッパのみならず、アメリカ、ブラジル、ヴェネズエラ、日本、韓国、オーストラリア等、での音楽祭やワークショップ講師として招聘される。プラハの春 、等の国際コンクール審査員も多く務める。2000年よりカールスルーエ音楽大学 の教授に就任し後進の育成に力を注いでいるが、指導者としての世界の評価は高く、多くの優秀な演奏家を育てている。また近年では指揮者としての活動も行っている。2012年よりクラカウ(ポーランド)音楽院 名誉客員教授 。東京藝術大学特別招聘教授。


8日間にわたり、ホルンの個人レッスン、室内楽レッスンを行いました。また5月11日には奏楽堂にて演奏会が開かれ、東京藝大ウィンドオーケストラ を指揮しフランスの吹奏楽作品を中心としたプログラムを披露してくださいました。
ホルンのレッスンでは各学生のウィークポイントを的確に理論的に説明し、音楽表現と音色・音の響きを捉える練習を中心に、個人・グループレッスンを交互に行いながらの指導となりました。学生からは、演奏するうえでの呼吸へのアプローチについての感想が一番多く聞かれました。楽器をもたず息の吐出しと指使いだけで曲を練習する方法や、マウスピース を逆さに口にくわえて行う呼吸 練習など、新しい練習法を学ぶことができました。

東京藝術大学 管打楽器シリーズ2017
【日時】2017年5月11日(木)18:30開場 19:00開演 入場料 2,000円 ※プレトーク18:30~
ゴトコフスキー:《輝かしい交響曲 》

第6ホールでのレッスン風景 Lesson at the No.6 Hall

レッスン後の記念写真 Photo session after a lesson

第6ホールでの吹奏楽のリハーサル風景 Rehearsal at the No.6 Hall

第6ホールでのリハーサル風景(ホルンセクション)Horn students rehearsing at the No.6 Hall

奏楽堂でのゲネプロ(通しリハーサル)風景 Final rehearsal at Sogakudo

演奏会終了後にホルン科学生と Prof. Sanders and his horn students after the concert


  • Prof. Sanders is a professor at the University of Music Karlsruhe (Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe) in Karlsruhe, Germany. He has also been a professor emeritus at the Academy of Music in Kraków (Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie) in Poland and a visiting professor at Tokyo University of the Arts since 2012 and 2016, respectively.
  • He was invited to teach at TUA between May 5 -14, 2017

As the principal horn of major orchestras in Germany, Professor Sanders has performed under world renowned conductors such as Solti, Maazel, Kleiber, and Barenboim, for which he has received high acclaim. He has also been invited to provide guest performances for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as well as many orchestras in Germany. His recordings include those with groups such as Linos Ensemble and German Brass. He has travelled extensively throughout the world to attend major music festivals and workshops in the US, Brazil, Venezuela, Japan, South Korea, and Australia and to serve as a jury member at various international competitions such as the Prague Spring International Music Competition. He is a globally respected music teacher as well; He took up the position of professor at the University of Music Karlsruhe in 2000, since when he has produced many excellent young musicians. More recently, he has been active as a conductor as well as a performer and a professor.

Special lessons as a visiting professor of Geidai

A series of individual horn lessons and chamber music lessons was offered in eight days. He also conducted the Tokyo Geidai Wind Orchestra in a program featuring a French composer who is quite rare to be used in Japan for the teaching of wind instruments.

The one-on-one lessons and group lessons took place in turns. Prof. Sanders explained to each participating student what his or her weak points were in a theoretical and exact manner. His lessons focused on the practice of improving musical expressions and grasping the colors of the sounds. Many participating students later commented on the new approaches they learnt from Prof. Sanders for how to use breath; they simulated a performance without the instrument but using only exhaled breaths and fingering techniques and also practiced to breath with a mouthpiece turned upside down.

In the concert on May 11, 2017 at the Sogakudo Concert Hall, the students successfully demonstrated the beauty of the natural flow of the breaths as a result of the practice with Prof. Sanders, which is considered important for the performance of wind instrument.

The Concert by The Tokyo Geidai Wind Orchestra Harmonie des instruments à vent – Magnificence francaise, an official program to celebrate the 130 anniversary of Tokyo University of the Arts.
Conducted by Wilhelmus Karolus Sanders.
【Date and Time】
Thursay, May 11, 2017 Open: 18:30 Start: 19:00 Ticket: 2,000yen
Jacques Ibert : Ouverture pour “Le14 Juillet” de Romain Rolland
Darius Milhaud : Suite Française Op.248a
Martin Ellerby : Paris Sketches―Homages for Wind Band
Florent Schmitt : Dionysiaques
Ida Gotkovsky : Symphonie Brillante
URL: http://www.geidai.ac.jp/container/sogakudo/54327.html

Lesson at the No.6 Hall

Photo session after a lesson

Rehearsal at the No.6 Hall

Horn students rehearsing at the No.6 Hall

Final rehearsal at Sogakudo

Prof. Sanders and his horn students after the concert