台湾・日本芸術文化交流事業:台湾文化光点計画 「台湾文化を後世に伝える―日本との違い」展とシンポジウムの開催The Spotlight Taiwan Project "Hand down Taiwanese cultural properties to posterity: Difference between Taiwanese and Japanese conservation techniques"

October 16, 2017

9月27日~10月4日、台湾文化部と本学との共催による芸術文化交流事業「台湾・日本芸術文化交流事業 台湾文化光点計画」を実施しました。実施5年目を迎える今回は、本学美術学部国際文化財修復プロジェクト室が中心となり、「台湾文化を後世に伝える―日本との違い」と題して展覧会とシンポジウムを開催しました。








事業名:台湾・日本芸術文化交流事業 台湾文化光点計画

Read in English

From Sept 27 through Oct 4, 2017, Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geidai) and the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan co-organized the exhibition and symposium “Hand down Taiwanese cultural properties to posterity: Difference between Taiwanese and Japanese conservation techniques.” This is the fifth collaborative undertaking since the launch of the Spotlight Taiwan Project, the joint project of art and cultural exchange by the two organizations, and this year, the International Center for Cultural Heritage Conservation at the Faculty of Fine Arts took lead in planning and presenting the event.

Various efforts have been made so far to hand down Taiwan’s unique culture. Many of paintings, historical buildings, and paintings on the doors and sculptures on the pillars of temples, for example, are susceptible to serious deterioration by aging. It is a responsibility of us all in the modern society to pass them on to the next generation, in as good conditions as possible, and in doing so, conservation and restoration play a major role. Conservation specialists choose among various conservation techniques ones that are most suitable for respective cultural properties. However, their applications are not always the same and different approached are taken depending on the time, material, or cultural background.
Furthermore, museums that are home to many of such restored cultural properties are required to have an adequate environment for exhibiting and preserving them. It is another important aspect of the project.

The joint exhibition at the university’s Chinretsukan Gallery aimed to introduce conservation activities through comparison of Taiwanese and Japanese techniques, which were categorized into four themes of conservation and active use of historical buildings, conservation and restoration of paintings, conservation activities at museums, and actuality of conservation and restoration. A number of panels with ample pictures were displayed to visually explain how Japan and Taiwan had collaborated and what different and similar approaches has been taken in their conservation activities, thereby making the exhibition more approachable for the public. At the opening of the event, Mr. Frank Hsieh (謝長廷) and Mr. Zhu Wenquin (朱文清), who are the Representative and Advisor of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, respectively, visited the gallery to enjoy the exhibition with the guide of professors in charge.

Representative Hsieh and Advisor Zhu, guided by Professor Kirino and Professor Kijima

The symposium was held in the third lecture room of the Faculty of Fine Arts on Oct 1, where Japanese and Taiwanese researchers spoke about their activities, while the panelists discussed on the future of conservation of cultural properties and collaborative relationship between Japan and Taiwan. Active participation of the audience asking many questions made the symposium even more successful.

At the symposium

The event was visited by so many people, who were introduced to the history and current situation of conservation of cultural properties in Japan and Taiwan. Tokyo Geidai is determined to further strengthen its ties with Taiwan in this field and collaborate with Taiwan for the conservation and tradition of cultural properties.

At the opening reception
(From left) Osamu Katori (Office Head of the Faculty of Fine Arts); Professor Fumiyoshi Kirino; Professor Takayasu Kijima; Professor Katsuhiko Hibino (Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts); Mr. Frank Hsieh (Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan); Professor Toyomi Hoshina (Trustee and Vice President (Research)); Zhu Wenquin (Advisor to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan)

//Project Outline//
Project Name: Spotlight Taiwan
Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts, the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan
Collaborated with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, the Japan Society for the Conservation of Cultural Property, Japan Conservation Project
Supported by Taito Ward
Planned by Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Fine Arts and Graduate School of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the International Center for Cultural Heritage Conservation

Read in Japanese