June 05, 2018


研修者:東京藝術大学 美術研究科建築専攻 5名


本事業は、2012年度よりクイーンズランドの建築家で、AIAAゴールドメダル受賞者でもあるBrit Andersen教授(当時クイーンズランド大学、現ボンド大学)によるJapan Study Workshop(2017年度はShort Unit 事業”GEIDAI/BOND WORKSHOP 2017″として実施)に対応した双方向的交流を目的としたワークショップです。

Japan Study workshopでは、クイーンズランドの大学生が東京を訪問し、芸大の学生とともに東京の下町の建築について調査をし、クイーンズランド、芸大双方の知見を活かした建築的提案を行ってきましたが、芸大の学生にあっては、グローバルな視点を身につけるための先方の建築文化に触れる機会として、来日する教授によるレクチャー、共同作業を通じた意見交換のみならず、クイーンズランドの気候風土に根ざした特徴的な建築に関した、より実践的な体験型学習の場を設けることが望まれてきました。




Basic Information

Participant: Five graduate students of architecture
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Period: October 8-15, 2017


With the aim of promoting mutual exchange, this workshop was delivered in the form of a reciprocal visit by Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geidai) to Bond University, where Professor Brit Andersen, a Queensland-based architect and a winner of Australian Institute of Architects Gold Medal, currently teaches. Since 2012 when Professor Andersen was teaching at the University of Queensland, she and Tokyo Geidai have been partnering to deliver her Japan Study Workshop. In 2017, the workshop was implemented as the short unit project GEIDAI/BOND WORKSHOP 2017.

In the past workshops, students from the Australian state of Queensland visited Tokyo, where they worked with our architecture students to research the architecture in the Shitamachi area of Tokyo and made joint architectural proposals that benefitted from the insights of both parties. However, in order for Geidai students to acquire a global mindset by experiencing the architectural culture of Queensland, more practical, experience-based opportunities were needed to allow them to learn about the architecture unique to the climate of the Australian state, in addition to the conventional exchange programs such as lectures by visiting professors and the exchange of opinions at workshops.

For this reason, the 2017 workshop was designed to allow our students to actually visit some of architectural buildings in Brisbane and Gold Coast. They were also instructed by professors of both universities to conduct research and make proposals on the public space around a library in Brisbane. The research outcomes of which were presented at Bond University with the presence of other local teachers and students.

The focus of their visit in Queensland was residential architecture. The students visited local residences and asked questions to the residents and the architects, which allowed them to deepen their understandings about a lifestyle that is rooted in the local climate as well as the important points in designing residential buildings in the region.

In the research and proposal making phases, the students were instructed to work in line with their respective production activities in Tokyo, while leveraging what they learned through the field visit. Since all the instructions and presentations in the workshop were offered in English, it helped students improve their global communication skills, which is considered to be another outcome of this workshop.