【レポート】2023年度前期新入留学生対象オリエンテーション・歓迎会[Report] Campus Tour, Orientation and Welcome Party for 2023 Spring New International Students

June 06, 2023






ツアーの最後は新しくできた国際交流棟「TAKI PLAZA」を訪れ、建てられた経緯や寄付者の思いなどについて説明を聞きました。また、階段の壁に展示されている留学生による作品や、3階のコミュニティサロン、4階の茶室などを見て回りました。


続いて18時からのオリエンテーションでは、55名近くの留学生がTAKI PLAZA3階のコミュニティサロンに集まりました。



今村先生から「この建物(TAKI PLAZA)について知っている人はいますか?」という質問が投げかけられた後、この建物が滝久雄・裕子夫妻より国際交流をしてほしいという思いのもと寄附を受けて完成したものであること、そして、ぜひ留学生の皆さんに国内学生との交流や、専攻を超えた交流をしてもらい、集まり、シェアしてほしい。という思いが伝えられました。




その後、国際企画課より学生生活における注意事項についてのご説明がありました。大学の窓口、在留カード、入国管理局での手続き、国民健康保険や生活総合保健、奨学金、在籍確認についてなどの大切な情報をご案内いただきました。(これらの情報は、全てGEIDAI x GLOBALに掲載されています)その後、短いQ&Aコーナーを経て1時間のオリエンテーションは終了し、歓迎会へ。

19時からの歓迎会では、約70名の留学生と国内学生がTAKI PLAZAの2階にある「藝大LIVING」に集まりました。









On April 10, 2023 we conducted an Ueno Campus tour, orientation session, and welcome party for international students newly admitted to Tokyo University of the Arts.

The tour began at 3pm from the University Library, where students were guided through the facility in Japanese and English groups and seemed particularly interested in the foreign language book section and group work in the Learning Commons. At the gymnasium, students showed interest in the athletic clubs, and at the Sogakudo Concert Hall students asked about attending performances and picked up flyers with the concert schedule.

The Art Information Center (a.k.a. AMC) introduced the facilities and equipment, including 3D printers and laser cutters, and students asked questions about classes focusing on practical skills.

The tour ended with a visit to the newly built Taki Plaza, where participants learned about the intention of the donors in creating a place for international exchange and viewed the stairwell display of artwork by international students, the 3rd floor Community Salon, and the 4th floor tea ceremony room.


Nearly 55 international students gathered at the Community Salon for the orientation session from 6pm, which was moderated by Global Support Center (GSC) Project Associate Professor Eriko Ishida with interpretation by GSP Project Lecturer Ann Yamamoto.

GSC Director Yusaku Imamura began his welcoming speech by asking if students knew the details about Taki Plaza and spoke about donor Hisao and Hiroko Taki’s hopes of fostering interdisciplinary exchange among international and domestic students.

Then, International Affairs Division Director Sayako Yoshimitsu encouraged students to reach out should they encounter difficulties in Japan, Project Associate Professor Eriko Ishida gave an overview of the GSC’s Japanese language education classes, and Project Assistant Professor Kenichiro Egami and Project Lecturer Ann Yamamoto presented classes recommended for international students and events for international exchange and experiencing Japanese culture. The International Affairs Division staff provided important information about residence cards, procedures for immigration, national health insurance, Comprehensive Health Care for Living, scholarships, and enrollment verification (available on GEIDAI x GLOBAL).

About 70 international and domestic students attended the welcome party, which was held from 7pm at the Geidai Living cafeteria on the 2nd floor of Taki Plaza. International student Hanna Hoffman, who has been studying at Tokyo Geidai since last year, gave a talk welcoming international students.

Tokyo Geidai President Katsuhiko Hibino gave a warm welcome speech, followed by a toast and lively conversation among the attendees.

President Hibino encouraged the international students to join in contributing to the creation of culture in Japan and finding friends for life during their time at Tokyo Geidai. Introductions were given of staff and student tutors, and club representatives introduced their activities.

The faculty and staff look forward to supporting international students in finding fulfillment in their research and artistic activities at Tokyo Geidai.

(Global Support Center)