Tokyo Geidai ⇆ Asia 2021(東京藝大インタラクティブアジア月間)Tokyo Geidai Interactive Asia 2021

February 03, 2021




「文化芸術の交流による肥沃なアジアをめざして-東京藝大ASEAN事業・総括と展望-」と題したオンライン国際フォーラムでは、麻生和子氏(Asian Cultural Council日本財団代表理事、東京藝術大学理事)をゲストに迎え、美術・音楽・映像・GAP各分野による交流プログラムの成果報告、パートナー大学の学長や学生からのビデオメッセージが公開されました。パートナー大学からのメッセージでは、交流事業に参加した学生等から温かい言葉が送られ、交流事業を通じて得た経験が各々の成長に繋がっていることが感じられるものでした。




2021年1月11日(月)Conversation Vol.1 出会いの方法/異なる「アジア」をフィールドにすることの一コマ

2021年1月13日(水)Conversation Vol.2 COVID-19下の「アジア」の音楽‐それぞれの現場から の一コマ

ミャンマーから生演奏を届けるSu Zar Zar氏

2021年1月23日(土)国際フォーラム「文化芸術の交流による肥沃なアジアをめざして」 ゲストによるコメント 麻生和子氏(Asian Cultural Council 日本財団代表理事、東京藝術大学理事)

Tokyo University of the Arts has promoted artistic and cultural exchange with the Asia region through the Inter-University Exchange Project (Re-Inventing Japan Project); Support for the Formation of Collaborative Programs with Universities in Asia since 2016.

Although the year of 2020, the final year of this project, was a hard time for all of us to make cross border travel and face-to-face exchange, Tokyo University of the Arts has continued to practice exchange program by utilizing online resources.

We designated January 2021 as Tokyo Geidai Interactive Asia Month and held international forums and discussion events for specific art genres. This gave us an opportunity to discuss the achievement and future development of this project with the attendance of the teachers and students from the partner universities.

In the International Forum titled “A Fertile Asia Through Cultural and Artistic Exchange – Summary and Future Prospects of ASEAN Projects by Tokyo Geidai”, we invited Ms. ASO Kazuko (Asian Cultural Council, Representative Director of The Nippon Foundation, Representative Director of Tokyo University of the Arts) as a guest speaker. Each presenter from fine arts, music, film and new media, global arts reported their activities, and the video message from the teachers and students of the partner universities was streamed. Students of the partner universities who participated in these activities sent heart-warming words through the video, which made us feel that the experience of the exchange program contributed to their personal development.

In the discussion session, all the panelists agreed that we strengthen our relationship between person and person. However, we also recognized that we needed to build a strong foundation to expand this relationship between universities.

Through this event, we realized that art and culture could build the “soft infrastructure” regardless of languages and borders. We are determined to commit ourselves to make this exchange project with art universities in ASEAN sustainable.

The archives will be available on this website in text form.

Conversation Vol.1 The Way of Encounters / Different Takes on ‘Asia’ as Individual Fields on January 11th, 2021

Conversation Vol. 2 Music of ‘Asia’ under COVID-19 on January 13th, 2021

Dr. Su Zar Zar was playing online

Comments from guest speaker, Ms. Aso Kazuko (Asian Cultural Council, Representative Director of The Nippon Foundation, Representative Director of Tokyo University of the Arts), at the International Forum on January 23rd, 2021.