【6/17-9/21 上野駅にて開催】SDGs X ARTs Geidai 大学の世界展開力強化事業 学生作品展のお知らせ[June 17th - 21 Sept. Ueno Station] SDGs X ARTs Geidai, Inter-University Exchange Program, Student Works 2023

June 15, 2023

SDGs X ARTs Geidai
東京藝術大学 大学の世界展開力強化事業 学生作品展

2023 / 6 / 17(土)- 9 / 21(木)

Yamanote Line Museum

東京藝大が取り組む大学の世界展開力強化事業 SDGs X ARTs は、英豪印の大学、ロンドン芸術大学(イギリス)、モナッシュ大学(オーストラリア)、ナショナル・インスティテュート・オブ・デザイン(インド)と共に国際的な芸術大学の協働プラットフォームであるシェアード・キャンパスと協働してプログラムが2023年から5年間にわたって展開されるものです。


企画・運営: Yamanote Line Museum 上野駅正面玄関口ガレリア 展示事務局
監修:今村有策 (東京藝術大学副学長・大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 教授)
協力:東京藝術大学 グローバルサポートセンター
チラシ・ポスターデザイン:シゥイ・ウー (東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻博士前期課程在学)




◾️サリーナー・サッタポン (Sareena Sattapon)




◾️柏原 瑚子 (Coco Kashiwara)


虫が旅に出掛けた跡を見つけて、なんとなく「家」について考えはじめた。すると、ここはみんな「誰かの家」でできていることに気がつき、いつもよりずっとこの世界を好きになることができた。みんなの暮らしを辿る風にも、家があるだろうか? 普段その存在を直接見ることはできない。けれども目を閉じてみると、確かに頬に触れる風を、季節の香りや耳に届く音を通して感じることができる。今、あなたはどんな風を感じているだろうか。


◾️ジエ・ヤン(Jie Yang)

《Green house with red roof(赤い屋根のある緑の家)》



◾️ケンジー・パターソン(Kenzee Patterson)


録音された文章はクリエイティブ・ノンフィクションのスタイルであり、講義や会話、展覧会や作品、ウェブサイト、科学論文などから得られた情報を含む。参照されているのは、講義、プレゼンテーションや会話、目にした展覧会や作品、Wikipedia、オーストラリア政府農水省のウェブサイト、そしてミーナル・ミシュラとバンダナ・サマントの科学論文「Feldspars: Life-Sustaining Minerals on the Earth」である。短期間で書かれたこの作品は、相互に関連する概念を含んでおり、命題でありながら逸脱もあり、完全な正解は存在しない。


◾️アンナ・チャン(Anna Chan)

《168 Hours(168時間)》



◾️ヴィグネシュ・カローテ(Vignesh Karote)

《Yours Consciously(あなたの意識の中にあるもの)》



◾️アムーゥ・ジャダブ(Amogh Jadhav)



SDGs X ARTs Geidai
Inter-University Exchange Program,
Student Works 2023

Sat. 17 June 2023 – Thu. 21 September

Yamanote Line Museum
Galleria at the main entrance of Ueno Station

Tokyo University of the Arts established the SDGs Promotion Office in June 2021 to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
SDGs X ARTs INTER-UNIVERSITY EXCHANGE PROJECT, a project by Tokyo University of the Arts to strengthen the university’s global development capabilities, is a collaborative platform of international art universities together with University of the Arts London (UK), Monash University (Australia), and National Institute of Design (India). This program will be developed in collaboration with Shared Campus, an international platform for art university collaboration, over a five-year period beginning in 2023.
This exhibition presents the works of students who participated in the program in March 2023. In March 2023, finally we were able to conduct the program with students and faculty members from Australia and India in Japan. It is expected that more British, Australian, and Indian students will visit Japan in the future, and that Geidai (TUA) students will visit their partner countries to engage in the issue of the global SDGs across cultures.


Organized by JR-EAST – East Japan Railway Company
Planned and organized by Yamanote Line Museum, Galleria at the Main Entrance of Ueno Station Exhibition Office
Supervised by Yusaku Imamura (Vice President, Professor of Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
In cooperation with Global Support Center, Tokyo University of the Arts
Flyer and Poster designed by Wu Xiuyi ( Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Global Art Practice, Master’s Program student)
Contact: uenoartgallery.ylm@gmail.com



【Artists and Concept of Artworks】

◾️Sareena Sattapon
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP)


There are similarities and differences between Thailand and Japan but we both are trying to make our countries a better place.


◾️Coco Kashiwara
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP)

《Where does the wind come from?》

I found the traces of where the insects went traveling and somehow started to think about “home”. Then I realized that this place is all made of “someone’s home,” which made me love this world much more deeply. Would there be a home in the wind that would follow everyone’s lives? We cannot usually see it directly. But if you close your eyes, you can certainly feel the wind on your cheeks, through the scents of the seasons, and through the sounds that reach your ears. What kind of wind are you feeling now?


◾️Jie Yang
Global Art Practice, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (GAP)

《Green house with red roof》

“Green House with Red Roof,” challenges or questions the notion that humans are separate from the natural environment. Instead, it emphasizes the interconnectedness and inherent connection between humans and nature. The artwork seeks to break down the perceived boundary between humans and the environment, suggesting that humans are not separate entities but rather an integral part of the natural world. It promotes the understanding that humans and nature are intertwined and should be considered together when addressing environmental issues.


◾️Kenzee Patterson
PhD candidate,Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University, Australia


This is an audio recording of a creative non-fiction text. In its fragmentary nature and in its multiple tones I am hoping to reflect something of the discussions, workshops and site visits that have been hosted by Tokyo University of the Arts during the four days of this first year of the Critical Ecologies exchange program. In this writing I reference conversations, lectures and presentations we’ve been a part of, exhibitions and artwork that I have viewed, Wikipedia, the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website, and a scientific paper titled Feldspars: Life-Sustaining Minerals on the Earth written by Meenal Mishra and Bandana Samant. It was written in haste and encompasses many interconnected notions. It is propositional, tangential and not fully resolved. I hope that it contributes to an ongoing conversation within and beyond this Shared Campus exchange.


◾️Anna Chan
MA Architectuer, Monash University, Australia

《168 Hours》

“168 Hours” delves into the intricate web of relations between communities, ecosystems, and the delicate balance of resources. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes evident that contemporary ecological issues transcend conventional boundaries and cannot be effectively tackled through a single lens or discipline alone. The viewer is invited to observe landscapes as a whole system and embrace nature’s cyclical seasonal rhythms, and to assess ways in which interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches can positively inform artistic practices within the scheme of sustainability and beyond.


◾️Vignesh Karote
Ceramic and Glass Design, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India

《Yours Consciously》

We love Nature! We would comfortably drive to remote regions in the world’s tallest peaks. And we import all our amenities, from packaged fast food, gas cylinders, supermarkets, concrete, petrol pumps, to other resource-intensive products, to make our lives easier in these fragile, cold, deserted mountain areas while effortlessly enjoying the last of nature’s breathtaking beauty for a few weeks. We’ve contained nature, and we call it an adventure. The problem isn’t necessarily convenience, but rather how conscious we are of our consumption patterns and connected with our ecosystems? Or are we blissfully ignorant of it because all the comforts we enjoy have made it invisible?


◾️Amogh Jadhav
Product Design, National Institute of Design, India


Bioesse (bio-esse-nce) is an inquiry of trying to understand the essence of nature by poking at the tangible materials of the universe through the abstract constructs of mathematics and computation. We sought to understand the fundamental elements such as Energy, Substance, Material, Space, Information, and Time, and how the entanglement of these elements could help in designing optimized solutions for the future. We explored many aspects of coming together through participatory approaches and co-designing. Similar to how ants or bees create – each individual works with a simple set of rules that come together to create complex optimized structures – we tried to ask how could we create in a similar way? A bottom-up approach to biomimicry and bionics was used as the methodology for experimentation. The physical artifacts generated stand as sculptural objects and as provocations of the various patterns and principles that have been inquired into. These artifacts are context-free and are made to spur the imagination toward diverse use cases and contexts.

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