[私費留学生]学習奨励費特別追加採用の募集(第2回)[Privately-Financed International Students] Gakushu-Shoreihi Special Additional Support (Second Round)

December 02, 2020


私費外国人留学生 各位






申請条件 ※以下の条件を全て満たすこと

  • 私費外国人留学生であること
  • 学部の正規生又は別科生、大学院の正規生又は研究生として在学していること
  • 2020年4月1日、10月1日及び2021年1月5日の時点で在留資格「留学」を有して日本国内に滞在していること
  • ゆうちょ銀行の口座を有していること
  • 学業、人物ともに優れ、経済的理由により修学に困難があること
  • 前年度の成績評価係数が2.30以上であること
  • 日本語能力試験N2レベル以上に合格又は日本留学試験の日本語科目の得点が200点以上又は英語能力CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment)B2レベル以上であること
  • 学習奨励費受給後に、機構が行う進路状況調査に協力できること。
  • 仕送りが平均月額90,000円以下であること(入学料・授業料は含まない)
  • 在日している扶養者の年収が500万円未満であること。
  • 学習奨励費との併給を制限されている他の奨学金を受給していないこと
  • JASSOの海外留学支援制度による支援を受けていないこと
  • 既にJASSO学習奨励費に採用されている者(第1回募集の採用者含む)ではないこと。


  1. 申請書
  2. 語学能力があることを示す証明書(日本語能力試験等の合格証明書又は語学試験のスコア等)
  3. 在留カードの両面コピー
  4. ゆうちょ銀行のカナ氏名通帳のコピー(カナ氏名と口座番号の確認のため、中表紙をコピーすること)
  5. 昨年度の成績証明書(研究生のみ提出必須)






申請書: <PDF> <Excel









国際企画係 ryugakusei(at)ml.geidai.ac.jp


To privately financed international students,

The university is now accepting additional applications (the second round) for the JASSO Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (Gakushu-Shoreihi) to offer special support for privately funded international students who are experiencing financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Eligible students who wish to apply for this scholarship must complete the application process through the university as detailed below.

*If there are more applicants than the maximum number of scholarship recipients possible, the university will select final candidates based on the applications submitted and recommend them to JASSO.
*Those who applied for the first round held in October but were not selected and wish to be considered as potential candidates for the second round must express their intent by completing the online application again.
*Graduate research students can apply, but regular students will be given priority if there are more applicants than the maximum number of scholarship recipients possible.

Amount and Number of students who can be recommended to the JASSO from our university

[Amount] JPY48,000, only for 1 month (January 2021)
[The Number of students] 38 students in total


Applicants must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Applicants must be privately financed international students
    *Students on the MEXT scholarship, or any other scholarship funded by a foreign government, and exchange students are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be enrolled as either regular students in one of the undergraduate or graduate programs, students in the Practical Music Course, or graduate research students.
    *Students who are currently taking a leave of absence from school are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must have stayed or will be staying in Japan with the “Student (留学)” status of residence as of April 1, 2020, October 1, 2020, and January 5, 2021.
    *Those who were applying for renewal (extension) of the “Student (留学)” status of residence as of April 1, 2020, October 1, 2020, and January 5, 2021 are included.
  • Applicants must have an account with the Japan Post Bank (ゆうちょ銀行 Yucho Ginko).
  • Applicants must be excellent in academic performance and personal character, and have financial difficulty in continuing their studies.
  • Applicants must have a GPA of 2.30 or above in the last academic year.
  • Applicants must have proficiency in Japanese or English at the following levels: Japanese: JPLT level N2 or higher, EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)’s score of 200 points or higher / English: CEFR (Common European Framework of Preference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment) level B2 or higher.
  • Applicants must agree to cooperate in the career path survey conducted by JASSO after the scholarship is granted.
  • Allowance received by applicants’ financial supporter(s) must not exceed an average of 90,000 yen per month (excluding the amount of enrollment fee and tuition fee).
  • If the applicant has a financial supporter in Japan, his/her annual income must be less than JPY 5,000,000.
  • Applicants must not be receiving a scholarship that cannot be combined with other scholarships.
  • Applicants must not be receiving financial aid under JASSO’s international students support program.
  • Applicants must not be the recipient of the JASSO Gakushu-Shoreihi (including the first round of this special additional support).

Documents to be submitted

  1. Application Form
  2. Copy of Japanese/English Proficiency Test score
  3. Copy of Residence Card (both sides)
    *If you are applying for an extension of your status of residence “Student (留学)” as of January 5, 2021, please submit a copy of the application acceptance slip issued by the Immigration Services Agency.
  4. Copy of Japan Post Bank (ゆうちょ銀行 Yucho Ginko) account book (copy the inside cover to confirm your name in Kana and account number)
  5. Copy of Academic transcript from the previous year (only for research students)

How to apply


Please complete your application here.

Deadline: 5 pm, December 11, 2020

Those who applied for the first round held in October but were not selected and wish to apply for the second round must complete the online application again.

The documents No.2-5 above must be sent either by email to kokusai-tua(at)ml.geidai.ac.jp or by mail with a tracking number. If you are sending by email, please protect your documents with a password (your student ID number at Tokyo Geidai).
Those who submitted the required documents at the time of application for the first round do not need to send them again.


Please download your application form: <PDF> <Excel

Deadline: December 11, 2020 (Applications postmarked on this date are acceptable)

Please send the completed application form along with the supporting documents using the “registered express mail.”

12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-8714
“JASSO Gakushu-Shoreihi Special Additional Support”
International Affairs Division
Tokyo University of the Arts

*Write “JASSO Gakushu-Shoreihi Special Additional Support” in red on the envelope.

*The application must reach the office no later than Friday, December 11, 2020.

Announcement of result

  1. The university will inform via email the successful applicants who will be recommended to JASSO around December 23, 2020.
    *The recommendation by the university does not mean that the applicant will pass the review by JASSO.
    *Immediately after the result notification, the final candidates will need to confirm their class attendance for January 1, 2021. Please keep this in mind and check your email frequently in order to respond quickly to our request.
  2. The final result by JASSO will be notified by e-mail around the beginning of February 2021.


If you have any questions, please send an email to ryugakusei(at)ml.geidai.ac.jp.
We will be unable to respond to phone calls regarding this matter.