Global Home Coming ゲストの藝大体験記5 Maung Maung Zaw Htet[My Experience at GEIDAI; Global Home Coming Guest 5] Maung Maung Zaw Htet

April 11, 2017

Basic information Name, Department, Home country and city, Duration
基本情報 ①氏名、②現在の大学、③出身国・都市、④芸大留学時の所属

① Maung Maung Zaw Htet マンマン・ザーテッ
② ヤンゴン国立文化芸術大学/ National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon)
③ Myanmar ミャンマー
④ 音楽学部作曲専攻 Composition

Why did you choose Geidai as your study abroad destination on that time?

At that time, I knew TUA as one of the most famous universities of music, and I wanted to learn the techniques of composition that I couldn’t learn in my home country.


My major at TUA was composition. I studied in Japan for three years. For the first six months, I learned the Japanese language, and for another six months, I studied as a research student at TUA. Then, I applied to the department of composition and became a regular TUA student.

What are the things that impressed you or surprised you at Geidai ?

At TUA, everything is “unique”. The students are given many chances. They can use the library and every other facility on campus freely. Also, there is a solid system of tutorial lessons between a professor and a student. But what left the strongest impression on me, being an international student, was that every one of the TUA student was entitled to receive such benefits.

How is your experience at Geidai refelected on your current job?

I refer to TUA as a model for designing new educational and institutional systems at my current university. Before I came to study at TUA, the name of the university where I work now was “University of Culture”. The name changed to “University of Arts” after I came back to Myanmar and became one of the faculty members. Established in 1993, this very young university has needed to go through many reforms to the present. I have been involved in the reform processes, and TUA has had a deep impact on me in fulfilling the assignment.

Please write a message for students.

Although ten years have passed since I left Japan, TUA has always been a legend for me . I feel its tradition and history are lending more weight to the university, and with an increasing introduction of new programs, TUA is continuing to provide great education. So you should trust your university as long as you are a student, and do you best in everything. TUA will surely be there for you.