【レポート】能の体験ワークショップ[Report] Noh Workshop

November 23, 2023


参加者は、 仕舞『羽衣キリ』の実演や、能楽や『羽衣』あらすじの紹介を受けた後、 謡のレッスンや構え、摺足、サシ込ミ・ヒラキ、招キ扇、ハネ扇などの仕舞のレッスンを受けました。





On November 29, 2023, the Global Support Center hosted a Noh workshop for international students at the university’s Noh practice theater. We were honored to have Professor Shigehiko Fujinami from the Japanese traditional music department as our instructor. This year, a total of 16 international students from 8 different countries participated in the event.

The participants were treated to a performance of the “Hagoromo (The feather robe)”, followed by introductions to Noh theater and the synopsis of the play. The students then received lessons on chanting, posture, sliding footwork, hand gestures (sashikomi and hiraki), fan movements (manekifan and hanefan), and other movements in Noh performances.

Students also learned about Noh costumes including the mask, wig, waistcloth, and silk robe. One of the participating students had an opportunity to try on the actual costume.

Throughout the workshop, students attentively absorbed Professor Fujinami’s lecture and embraced their first experience of Japanese performing arts.

(Global Support Center)