Global Arts Crossing
Global Arts Crossing —Strategic Art Cultural Diplomacy targeting the Middle East—

February 28, 2016






9つの専攻分野を対象に、①Short Crossing:1か月未満、②Middle Crossing:1か月~3か月、③Long Crossing:3か月以上 の3つの期間が設定され、ジョイントディグリーや履修証明、公開型審査等による質保証をはじめ、学生派遣・留学生受入に係る支援や安全・危機管理の強化、アーティスト・イン・レジデンス機能の活用など、総合的なサポートシステムを構築します。




芸術分野固有の特性を踏まえた6つの「多様性(Diversity)」を基軸としたグローバル展開プログラム( Diversity Crossing Program)であることが大きな特徴であり、具体的には、①専攻分野、②プログラム実施期間、③学生・国籍、④ロケーション、⑤芸術文化リソース、⑥ステークホルダー の6つの要素によりプログラムを構成し、将来的にはアジア・欧米を含めたグローバルワイドなジョイントプログラムとして発展させ、普遍的な「芸術文化外交」の実現を目指します。


*2016報告書 PDF (4.7MB)

*2017報告書 PDF: Part 1 表紙~学生派遣 (5MB)/Part 2 学生受け入れ (5MB)/Part-3 教員交流~裏表紙 (2MB)


Summary of Project

In order to timely respond to issues raised by the rapid advancement of globalization such as an urge for exploring further possibilities in the field of art, it is dispensable for us to promote cross-border art activities by utilizing “global art resources,” producing globally successful artists to begin with.
To meet this end, Tokyo University of the Arts will establish an international collaborative network with the focus on the Middle East, a region which is like Japan pushing art/culture as well as tourism as major policy issues, and where the art cultures of the East and the West cross and merge. With three universities in the region, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and Anadolu University in the Republic of Turkey which embraces highly attractive cultural and historical assets of globally scarce value such as architecture and handicrafts, and Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in the State of Israel, we will realize “art/cultural diplomacy” through the means of accelerated student exchange programs and joint projects, and the strategic development of globally flourishing artists.

Summary of Exchange Program

Practical programs will be implemented based on the joint projects participated by the units of multi-national students and academic staff. The programs will fully benefit from art/cultural resources of respective countries. In concrete, for the nine fields of art, three different program periods will be set, which are (1) less than one month (Short Crossing), (2) one to three months (Middle Crossing) and (3) more than three months (Long Crossing). Also, a comprehensive support system will be established which will cover areas including joint-degree and credit, quality assurance systems based on an open review process, support functions for outbound/inbound students, enhanced safety/security measures and artist-in-residence programs.

Global Human Resource on the project

Our goal is to produce outstanding artists who are strikingly expressive and creative, demonstrating originality and identify in artworks. We aim to nurture leaders who are eager to inherit and make contributions to art culture of his/her home country but concurrently have a deep knowledge of and respect to art culture of other nations. Such artists will add new creations to the global art scene based on their understanding of values and attractiveness of diverse art culture in each country.

Feature on the project

The biggest feature of our project is characterized by the Diversity Crossing Programs which are classified into six different elements of diversity in consideration of characteristics of various art fields, which are (1) Art field, (2) Program period, (3) Student/Nationality, (4) Location, (5) Art/culture resource and (6) Stakeholder. It is intended to be developed as a world-wide project and extended to other regions including Asia, Europe and America, in an effort to realize an universal “art/cultural diplomacy.”

Progress Reports

*2016 Progress Report: PDF (5 MB)

*2017 Progress Report: PDF Part 1 Cover – Sending Students (5MB)/Part 2 Intake of International Students (5MB)/Part-3 Teacher Exchange – Back Cover (2MB)